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Nikhil Mishra edited this page Dec 23, 2018 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Tejas-Flight-Computer wiki!

Software Design

In total there will be two flight controllers. One for LaunchPad and one for the rocket guidance and retrieval. Launchpad computer is fairly simple to design and fabricate. The challenge, however, lies with the Flight Controller.


  • Know the orientation
  • Know the Altitude
  • Control the Pyros
  • Control 2 Servo Motor
  • Log Flight Data - Black Box
  • Epic Star Wars Launch sound!


  • Zero - Fault System
  • Low memory
  • Less Processing Power

The Flight Computer has 3 sensors in total working in tandem with a filter on top to give inputs to the control system. A second MPU 6050 sensor or ADXL335 sensor can be used to check if the error is TVC has come to zero or not, Closed Loop TVC Calibration.


  1. Standby Mode - YT
  2. Hold Down/Scrub - Pauses the Countdown
  3. Alarmed - Countdown of 10 seconds
  4. Launch - Flight Mode - TVC is online and data is logged at 2 times/seconds
  5. Detects Apogge - Triggers Parachute
  6. Detects Landing - Starts exporting data to SD Card
  7. Switches to Idle Mode
  8. Beeps

Development Phases

Phase Zero

“Make all the components talk with arduino”

Phase One

“Make sense of the data coming through”

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