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Releases: CurtRod/SimpleEVSE-WiFi


23 Jan 15:57
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Compiled firmware for EVSE-WiFi can be found here:

For ESP32/smartWB use the V2 builts
For ESP8266 use the V1 builts


  • updated oLED output
  • added favicon
  • separte status page from Settings
  • bugfixes


20 Nov 14:45
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Compiled firmware for EVSE-WiFi 2.0 (ESP32) can be found here:

This repository only publishes the builds for ESP8266.


  • display rotation possible (esp32 only) 0°, 90°, 180°, 270°
  • implementation of Modbus/TCP to control EVSE-WiFi externally
  • new API parameter 'useMeter' to indicate that an energy meter is used


  • EVSE modbus registers > 2002 are no longer editable
  • switched to hw serial instead of sw serial (esp32 only)
  • keep the charging data (GUI and oLED) until a new charging process starts
  • Setting "reset current after charge" disabled and deactivated in remote mode to prevent confusing situations


  • log file was not shown in GUI while charging when using S0 meter.


26 Jul 19:21
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- added ESP32 Support
- GUI: Shows PP-Limit in EVSE Control if PP-Limit < Max current
- GUI: Displays more Modbus Registers of SDM-Meters
- New Operating Mode: 'Remote Controlled' - User cannot make aby changes via EVSE Control
- added support for Daylight Saving Time
- ESP32-only:
-> added support for oLED Display (WS 128x128 SSD1327)
-> CP-interrupt (via API or button in settings)
-> Support for RSE (to reduce current depending on the values specified by the energy supplier)

- ESP32-only:
-> ! Only EVSE DIN with RS485 is supported with ESP32 !
-> ! Both energy meter and EVSE are addresed via Software Serial !
- GUI: Improved Checks in Settings Page
- GUI: Improved manual setting EVSE registers
- Possibility to personalize LED activity
- Possibility to decativate Logging
- Possibility to deactivate API
- no support of using different GPIOs anymore! Take the given ones, they are supported
- Library updates
- changed versioning:
- ESP32: 2.x.x
- ESP8266: 1.x.x

- many many bugfixes
- improved logging
- improved WiFi stability
- improved RFID stability


15 Mar 16:30
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  • System: changed IDE to PlatformIO
  • Config: New config layout with automated migration of pre-0.4.0-config files
  • GUI: Show WiFi signal strength in "additional information“
  • System: Added "Factory Reset“
  • GUI: new button "Factory Reset“ at settings page
  • Button: when button pressed for about 30 sec settings will be set to default (after 10 sec the LED switchs on, after 20 additional sec LED switches off – Factory Reset successfull)
  • GUI: Userdata Reset deletes all RFID users (Settings Page - "Userdata Reset“)


  • System: Modbus timeout changed from 500ms to 250ms. That offers a better system stability, especially when there is no EVSE WB/DIN connected
  • System: Deactivated automatic reboot in Fallback Mode. EVSE-WiFi reboots after 45 days also in fallback mode
  • System: Many updates of used system libraries
  • Config: Complete new config layout in JSON array style. All variables have to be set now in config file, even if the values are initial!
  • GUI: Data units changed to kB
  • GUI/RFID: Maximum length of RFID user names chagned to 10 characters, to avoid heap overflow in logging. Already given user names (greater 10 characters) doesn't change
  • GUI/RFID: Access Type „Admin“ (99) deleted. This type didn't have any additional function
  • API: Via /getParameters the vehicle itself is also taken in account as "lastActionUser"
  • API: Further optimization and clarification of input checks, especially at settings page


  • System: WiFi starts a few millisecons later to prevent "Voltage Drop" at startup
  • System: better stability – Sporadic restarts should no longer occur
  • System: EVSE status is now also set in Always Active Mode when charging current is set to 0A
  • GUI: WiFi scan function in AP mode has been removed
  • GUI: Slider in EVSE Control remains activated even if no PP resistor was detected (only relevant for mobile solutions or boxes without a permanently installed cable)


02 Jan 22:15
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  • LED Support for Pin D0 (GPIO16)
  • API: new Items in "/getParameters"
    • "alwaysActive" - to detect always active mode
    • "lastActionUser" - The user name of the user who performed the last action (activate/deactivate)
    • "lastActionUID" - The UID of the user who performed the last action (activate/deactivate)
  • API: support for setting current to 0 in always active mode
  • API: added value 5 to vehicleState in "getParameters" (failure)
  • API: giving Uptime in "/evseHost"


  • auto reboot ESP after 45 days when no vehicle is charging (to prevent millis-overflow)


  • Button in always active mode is now disabled (except reboot functionality)
  • API: when using modbus meter p1, p2 and p3 in "/getParameters" will be updated after charging stops to 0
  • API: deactivating EVSE via API crashed the ESP (wdt) and caused a reboot
  • Modbus error detection (getting the modbus error status in the GUI) did not work in some cases
  • Charge duration corrected in normal and always active mode


03 Dec 18:45
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  • Added "Always Active mode". When activating it:
    • Activating/Deactivating EVSE is not possible ("setStatus" via API has no effect anymore)
    • Register 2005 is set to 0
    • "evseStatus" is always "true"
  • API: Added Parameter "maxCurrent" to "getParameters"
  • API: Reboot EVSE-WiFi with "/doReboot?reboot=true"
  • double enter admin password when changing it
  • reboot EVSE-WiFi, when button is pressed for 10 seconds
  • possibility to reset the current value to "Default amps value after boot" (EVSE Register 2000) after charging.


  • allow setting current to 5 (API only)
  • UI: Slider maximum depends now on "Max Current" (settings page) and PP limit


  • UI: Slider value is now more dynamic with configured and maximum values


22 Nov 16:47
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  • API: when activating/deactivating via API the response of getParameters is now correct
  • fixed missing comma in config.json


  • some code cleanup
  • refereces to

library updates

  • ArduinJson 5.13.2 -> 5.13.5
  • MFRC 1.4.0 -> 1.4.5


27 Dec 17:17
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  • possibility to deactivate basicAuth (Safari Mode) in Settings to fix Problem with Safari Browser
  • fixed meter reading via API


17 Oct 18:10
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  • update log when deactivate via API
  • reset "Power" at EVSE Control when charging stops


14 Oct 19:12
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  • "Reset Log File" function
  • animation while uploading firmware file (firmware update)


  • some code cleanup
  • print some errors and the configured ip address to serial when debug mode is NOT active
  • default login passwort changed to "adminadmin" (min 8 characters)


  • improved websocket (more stable)
  • improved modbus meter (more stable)
  • metered energy is not aggregated correctly (modbus meter only)
  • "save and reboot" works now (issue when using S0 meter AND static IP address)
  • heap leak when using the API fixed
  • restore user backup fixed

library updates

  • ESP8266 Core 2.4.1 -> 2.4.2
  • ArduinoJson 5.13.2 -> 5.13.3
  • MFRC522 1.4.0 -> 1.4.1
  • NtpClientLib 2.5.0 -> 2.5.1