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Custom Entities

TwistedAsylumMC edited this page Oct 25, 2022 · 2 revisions

Custom Entity Class

Before you can register an entity, you need to create a class extending Entity that uses your custom identifier. This is required for pocketmine to know the type of entity to spawn.

use pocketmine\entity\Entity;

class ExampleEntity extends Entity {

	// ...

	public static function getNetworkTypeId(): string {
		return "customies:example_entity";
	// ...

Registering an Entity

Registering a custom entity is as simple as registering a normal entity. All you need to do is use the CustomiesEntityFactory class to register the entity and use the same identifier from the previous step.

use customiesdevs\customies\entity\CustomiesEntityFactory;

// ...

public function onEnable(): void {
	CustomiesEntityFactory::getInstance()->registerEntity(ExampleEntity::class, "customies:example_entity");

// ...

If you want to provide your own creation function, you can provide a Closure(World $world, CompoundTag $nbt): Entity as the 3rd argument.

Creating an Entity

Creating a custom entity is identical to how you would do it normally with any other entity, and the same applies for spawning it.

$entity = new ExampleEntity(...);