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CyanLaser edited this page Nov 17, 2020 · 3 revisions

The main settings for CyanEmu are global and apply to all Unity projects. You can find the settings window under "Window/CyanEmu/CyanEmu Settings".

General settings

- Enable CyanEmu

Check this to enable CyanEmu. This is enabled by default. With the setting disabled, nothing will happen at runtime. When uploading a world, CyanEmu will automatically be disabled.

- Enable Console Logging

Check this to enable printing logs for every action and warnings. For SDK2, this will log when any VRC_Trigger action executes. This is enabled by default. One major feature of logging is warnings for oversync and over buffering. If you see these warnings, please check over your trigger's broadcast settings. Refer to this wiki for more information on oversync. Note that not all cases for oversync are detected, so be sure to consider your broadcast usages.

- Remove "EditorOnly"

On entering play mode, all objects and children with the tag "EditorOnly" will be removed from the scene. This helps with testing what is actually uploaded in the world and may reveal issues when something is the wrong tag. Note that the removal of these objects is nondestructive and exiting play mode will restore all the "EditorOnly" objects back to the scene.

Player Controller Settings

CyanEmu comes with a simple player controller to allow you to explore the world. At this time it is only desktop, but in the future VR option will be available.

- Spawn Player Controller

Check this to enable spawning the player controller into the scene. It is enabled by default. When this is unchecked, some features may not work as expected.

Some controls are handled by default in unity, but if you do not have a QWERTY keyboard layout, the Run, Crouch, and Prone keys will not be accurate. You can change the keys for these actions here.

  • Run Key
  • Crouch Key
  • Prone Key

Buffered Trigger Settings

This option is only available for SDK2. Some VRC_Trigger broadcast types offer to buffer the actions. This means that the actions will replay for late joiners. Use these settings to test your world's buffered triggers. You must first play through your map to activate bufferring triggers, and then you will have the option to save the triggers. Once buffered triggers have been saved, you can then replay them the next time you run the scene. Buffered Triggers will run before all other triggers in the scene. This is my interpretation of how the system works and may not be accurate to VRChat behavior.

- Replay Buffered Triggers

When checked, after pressing play, the current scene's last saved buffered triggers will be executed automatically. A "remote player" will be spawned initially to ensure that the "local player" is not master or owner of any objects. You can remove this extra player in the "Add or Remove Players" section. See below.

- Save Current Buffered Triggers

While running through the scene in play mode, executing triggers with a buffering broadcast type will be gathered. Clicking this button will save the buffered triggers to a file, allowing you to replay them at play mode start. The saved file will be located in the same directory as your scene file. Note that the saved buffered triggers will only work in your current Unity session. Restarting Unity will invalidate this file. This is planned to be fixed.

- Clear Buffered Triggers

If a buffered triggers have been saved, clicking this button will delete the file.

Add or Remove Players

At this time, CyanEmu only supports one player controller, but you have the ability to spawn in remote players for testing.

- Spawn Remote Player

Pressing this button will spawn a generic remote player. VRChat is odd in that remote player's have a sphere collider at their feet instead of a capsule. Because of this, they are represented as spheres when spawned.

- Remove players

If you have spawned remote players, each player will appear in a list and you have the option to delete them here.