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[GlazeWM] My first 'RICE' on windows11

by glazeWM , PowerToys , WSL2 , etc ...

Windows11 Full Transparent Ricing

스크린샷 2024-04-15 104030 (중형) 스크린샷 2024-04-15 104436 (중형) 스크린샷 2024-03-25 102828 (중형)

I'm a big fan of the MAC environment, and recently i3wm on LINUX has also intrigued me.

If I could only use MAC and LINUX for the rest of my life, I'd be happy.

But society forces me to use Windows.

(Especially if you live in Korea)

So I built my own development environment that combines the features of MAC's hotcorner and Linux's i3wm on Windows.

I think it's pretty good.

I'll leave a link to my git repository for the powerToys and GlazeWM configuration files.

WM: GlazeWM

OS: Windows 11 Pro

Terminal: Powershell , WSL2

Terminal Emulator: Windows Terminal Preview

Fetch: Fastfetch , neofetch

Editor: cursor , VS Code

Explorer theme : System Transparency By Prisoner 7

Package Managers: Scoop, Choco

1. Set up Windows Taskbar and Right-click like Windows 10

Windows 10 & 11 Taskbar Customization

RoundedTB - Windows Taskbar

2. Hot Corners

WinXConers - Using Hot Corners in Windows

3. Package management



4. iCloud

윈도우 iCloud 자소분리현상 해결

5. PowerToys (Custom HotKey)

(Keyboard mapping .json settings file)

6. wsl2

Windows WSL2 Initialization

Windows WSL2 Vmmem RAM Occupancy Workaround

Create and use your own Windows WSL2 commands

Open the path of WSL2 with Windows Explorer

7. GlazeWM

(configfile )

GlazeWM 윈도우용 i3

8. Make Windows UI translucent

Making the Windows Terminal Transparent

Making windows transparent

9. Other settings

9-1 . Editor Customization - VS code & Cursor

Make VS code transparent (VS code installation seems to be corrupted)

VS code Run multiple languages in the same directory

VS Code C++ settings

Visual Studio change Theme

Visual Studio Extension

9-2 . Customizing the Terminal

Windows Terminal Retro Glow Effect

oh my zsh - plugin (autocomplete, syntax highlighting, etc.)

OH MY POSH Windows Terminal Customization

9-3 . Windows System Settings

Windows Laptop Battery Improvements

Create a batch file to restart Windows File Explorer

Remove the Windows Gamebar Completely

Adjust fan speed with Windows FanControl

9-4 . Windows Registry Settings

Disable win key using GlazeWM

Disabling Windows win + specific keys

Disable Windows win + L

Disabling Windows win + F

Windows Ctrl ←→ CapsLock

Turn off C drive administrator privileges

Turn off registry application pop-ups

9-5 . customizing I/O device controls

Mouse Control with Windows Keyboard

Customize Windows Trackpad Gestures

Change Windows Mouse Cursor to MAC-like

9-6 . Ricing

Rainmeter - Add a MAC-style widget to Windows

Rainmeter - Add a Windows desktop date widget Rainmeter


  • As of 2024.03.26, duplicate alt <--> ctrl swap shortcut exists in AutoHotKey and PowerToys, wasting memory