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Welcome to BlockXRentals- The First Car Rental App on the Blockchain

The team consists of:

Final Contract deployed to Goerli Testnet: 0x10c3F14c6635f8F45EeC0c87F0666B22A359d074

You can verify at:

The Problem BLockXRentals Solves:

There have been many instances of scams in the Car Rental Services. Sometimes, the renters charge more unnecessarily or the customers may not return the car. As such, BlockXRentals solves this problem by using Smart Contracts and the power of Blockchain. The contract calculates the Charge and Return-on-Return Ratio hence you cannot be overcharged. The customer will not get any money back if he fails to return the vehicle.

How to Use BlockXRentals:

The process is very simple and consists of namely only 4 Steps:

Step 1: Connect your Metamask Wallet.

If you do not have a Metamask, kindly install it.

WARNING: When connecting, please make sure you are connected to the Goerli Testnet.

Step 2: Rent your Car and Pay the Mentioned Amount.

Step 3: Return the Car.

Step 4: Get back 40% of the initial payment directly to your wallet.

Check out the working demo video here

Who can use it:

Since we all know the Car Rental business has existed for decades. The basic workflow essentially involves a customer booking a car through a channel such as telephone, and taking temporary possession of the allotted car from the designated pick-up location, at the chosen date and time. This car rental management process ties together various activities comprising car inspection reports, selling an insurance policy for the rental duration, as well as contract management between the owner and the customer. The entire process, while familiar to most, has inherent operational inefficiencies built in due to the nature of activities. For instance, speeding violations during the car rental period involve multiple agencies cooperating with each other and can take weeks to close. New-age technologies like Blockchain can help reduce the process time and increase the efficiency in the entire value chain.

Problems faced:

We had initially planned to deploy the contract to Polygon Mumbai Testnet. However, after successfully deploying it, we ran into some issues while connecting it to the frontend. Unfortunately, we have not been able to resolve the issue. Hence,the final contract has been deployed to the Goerli Testnet.

Link to Polygon Deployed Contract: 0x9DA5E1f4cAe85cb48E2B8Dd316F6E56ac598BBFa

You can verify at:

Tech Stack used:

HTML, CSS, Javascript, Solidity, Hardhat, EtherJS, Polygon Mumbai,, ,Goerli Testnet,Ethereum.


This is the project submission for Ur-Hackathon






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  • JavaScript 39.8%
  • HTML 29.3%
  • CSS 20.7%
  • Solidity 10.2%