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Cybercrack-bot edited this page Jan 14, 2021 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the Cybercrack wiki!

About CyberCrack framework

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                           The framework of your choice
                We exploit your weaknesses, hackers are born because,
                              of the lazy human minds

Hi, I am hackerplaz and, this is a developing tool. My inspiration to code this tool was the Metasploit-framework. I coded this tool with python and, this is version 0.1 so, this is the first version and can expect bugs but, CyberCrack is great for information gathering, wireless payloads, and a shell, like meterpreter. So, this is how to install and configure the tool.


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Navigate to the folder and, make the python script executable using chmod +x
  3. Execute the install. sh
  4. And then go to terminal and type, sudo python3
  5. Then you should see a shell open after a few times
  6. Type the command show options to list the available options.


  1. CyberCrack framework has 2 payloads, one exploit and, 4 Cyberserve. CyberServe modules are like Auxilary modules in Metasploit

  2. You can't use it just yet, once you started the framework you can see something like this.

                                                  0 payloads loaded
                                                  0 exploits loaded
                                                  0 CyberServe loaded
                                          Type load all to load all the tools 

As the banner says, type load all to load all modules. Then type show options. Then you must see a bunch of instructions like this,

: show         -        show the current options, payloads, CyberServe, or exploits. type show for more info
: load all     -        type this before you start using the framework. It loads the payloads, CyberServe, and exploits
: exit         -        exit the framework
: use          -        use an exploit or a CyberServe. You can't use it with payloads
: set          -        use it to set parameters such as payload, LHOST, LPORT, etc.
: help         -        display this message

Just read them and get started. If you didn't load the modules with the load all command you can't use any tools because they are not loaded Bye!! for now and, I will release more tools in the versions coming in the future !!!

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