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346 lines (246 loc) · 10.5 KB

File metadata and controls

346 lines (246 loc) · 10.5 KB

Change Log

[1.0.2] - 2024-05-16


  • Fixed error in libheif-rs::reader::read() function in case then libheif calls them with null pointer to buffer (fixes Cykooz/libheif-sys#7).

[1.0.1] - 2024-04-14


  • Fixed use-after-free in LibHeif::decode() method due to incorrect converting Option<DecodingOptions> into pointer (21).

[1.0.0] - 2023-11-28


  • Added ImageMetadata structure.
  • Added ImageHandle methods:
    • metadata_item_uri_type
    • all_metadata
    • preferred_decoding_colorspace


  • libheif-sys updated to version 2.1.
  • vcpkg updated to version 2023.11.20.


  • Fix null error message from libheif v1.17: heif_writer should return heif_error with non-null pointer to message (#18).

[0.22.0] - 2023-09-12


  • Added method assign_thumbnail for HeifContext structure.
  • BREAKING: Added default feature use-bindgen to control that type of binding will be used by libheif-sys crate (pre-generated or generated on the fly by bindgen)


  • Fixed creating instance of ColorProfileType from instance of heif_color_profile_type on Windows.

[0.21.0] - 2023-09-08


  • Added ColorConversionOptions structure.
  • Added DecodingOptions methods:
    • decoder_id
    • set_decoder_id
    • color_conversion_options
    • set_color_conversion_options
  • Added EncodingOptions methods:
    • color_conversion_options
    • set_color_conversion_options
  • Added enums:
    • ChromaDownsamplingAlgorithm
    • ChromaUpsamplingAlgorithm
  • Added DecoderDescriptor structure.
  • Added method decoder_descriptors for LibHeif structure.
  • Added method item_id for ImageHandle structure.
  • Added HeifContext methods:
    • top_level_image_handles
    • encode_thumbnail
  • Added Image methods:
    • pixel_aspect_ratio
    • set_pixel_aspect_ratio
  • BREAKING: Added new values of CompressionFormat enum:
    • Vvc
    • Evc
    • Jpeg2000
    • Uncompressed
  • BREAKING: Added new values of HeifErrorSubCode enum:
    • InvalidRegionData
    • InvalidProperty
    • ItemReferenceCycle
    • EncoderInitialization
    • EncoderEncoding
    • EncoderCleanup
    • TooManyRegions
  • Added support of cargo-vcpkg to install libheif with help of cargo.


  • libheif-sys updated to version 1.16.
  • BREAKING: Enums HeifErrorCode, HeifErrorSubCode, CompressionFormat marked as non_exhaustive


  • Fixed conversion of profile argument of Image.set_color_profile_raw method into C-version of this argument.

[0.20.0] - 2023-06-05


  • BREAKING: Added lifetime for HeifContext structure to exclude "use after free" in case it is created from &[u8] (#13).

[0.19.2] - 2023-03-22


  • Added method HeifContext::set_max_decoding_threads().

[0.19.1] - 2023-03-19


  • Fixed path_to_cstring() function for building on Windows (#11).

[0.19.0] - 2023-03-12


  • Added LibHeif structure to initialise internals of libheif, load plugins, get instances of encoders, decode ImageHandle into Image, get version of linked libheif.
  • Added EncoderDescriptor structure that describe some properties of encoder and may be used to get Encoder instance from LibHeif.
  • Added EncodingOptions::new() method.


  • BREAKING: Removed method HeifContext::encoder_for_format(). Use LibHeif::encoder_for_format() method instead.
  • BREAKING: Removed method ImageHandle::decode(). Use LibHeif::decode() method instead.
  • BREAKING: Lifetime of Encoder structure now bounds by lifetime of LibHeif instance.
  • BREAKING: Method Encoder::name() now returns String instead &str.
  • Structure DecodingOptions was exposed in public interface of the crate.

[0.18.0] - 2023-03-02


  • Added methods add_generic_metadata(), add_exif_metadata() and add_xmp_metadata() for HeifContext.


  • BREAKING: Changed type of argument type_filer of methods ImageHandle::number_of_metadata_blocks() and ImageHandle::metadata_block_ids(). Now it must be something that implements Into<FourCC>. For example - b"Exif".
  • BREAKING: Changed order of arguments of method ImageHandle::metadata_block_ids().

[0.17.0] - 2023-02-25


  • Added methods Image::width() and Image::height() for receiving width and height of the main image channel (Y in YCbCr, or any in RGB).
  • Added method Image::storage_bits_per_pixel(). This method returns the number of bits used for storage of each pixel.
  • Added methods Image::set_color_profile_raw() and Image::set_color_profile_nclx().
  • Added field storage_bits_per_pixel into structure Plane.
  • Added method ColorProfileRaw::new().
  • Methods new and set_color_primaries were added into structure ColorProfileNCLX.


  • BREAKING: Old methods Image::width(channel) and Image::height(channel) were renamed into Image::channel_width(channel) and Image::channel_height(channel). The return type of these methods was changed from Result<u32> to Option<u32>.
  • BREAKING: The return type of method Image::bits_per_pixel() was changed from Result<u8> to Option<u8>.
  • BREAKING: Method Image::bits_per_pixel() now returns the number of bits used for representing the pixel value, which might be smaller than the number of bits used in memory.
  • BREAKING: Fixed typo in name of field Plane::bits_pre_pixel. This field was renamed into Plane::bits_per_pixel.
  • Structures Plane and Planes were exposed in public interface of the crate.

[0.16.0] - 2023-02-16

  • libheif-sys updated to version 1.14.2.
  • Added new value of HeifErrorCode enum - PluginLoadingError.
  • Added new value of HeifErrorSubCode enum: UnknownNclxColorPrimaries, UnknownNclxTransferCharacteristics, UnknownNclxMatrixCoefficients, UnsupportedHeaderCompressionMethod, PluginLoadingError, PluginIsNotLoaded, CannotReadPluginDirectory, Unknown.
  • Struct Encoder exposed in public interface of the crate.
  • Added enum ImageOrientation.
  • Added methods Encoder::image_orientation() and Encoder::set_image_orientation().
  • Added struct DecodingOptions.
  • Added type ColorProfleType.
  • Added structs ColorProfileRaw and ColorProfileNCLX.
  • Added methods Image::color_profile_raw() and Image::color_profile_nclx().
  • Added methods ImageHandle::color_profile_raw() and ImageHandle::color_profile_nclx().

Breaking changes

  • Argument ignore_transformations of ImageHandle::decode() method was replaced on argument decoding_options.
  • Removed deprecated methods: ImageHandle::list_of_depth_image_ids(), ImageHandle::list_of_thumbnail_ids(), ImageHandle::list_of_metadata_block_ids().

[0.15.1] - 2022-10-21

  • Added method Encoder::set_parameter_value().

[0.15.0] - 2021-05-12

  • libheif-sys updated to version 1.12.
  • Added new value of HeifErrorSubCode enum - WrongTileImagePixelDepth.
  • Added methods: Image::set_premultiplied_alpha(), Image::is_premultiplied_alpha(), ImageHandle::is_premultiplied_alpha().

[0.14.0] - 2021-03-17

  • Added new methods: ImageHandle::depth_image_ids(), ImageHandle::thumbnail_ids(), ImageHandle::metadata_block_ids().
  • Deprecated some methods: ImageHandle::list_of_depth_image_ids(), ImageHandle::list_of_thumbnail_ids(), ImageHandle::list_of_metadata_block_ids().
  • Added new methods for getting top level images from HeifContext: HeifContext::top_level_image_ids(), HeifContext::image_handle().

[0.13.1] - 2021-02-03

  • libheif-sys updated to version 1.11.
  • Added methods: EncodingOptions::mac_os_compatibility_workaround_no_nclx_profile(), EncodingOptions::set_mac_os_compatibility_workaround_no_nclx_profile().

[0.13.0] - 2021-01-15

Breaking changes

  • Added new value of HeifErrorCode enum - ColorProfileDoesNotExist.

[0.12.0] - 2021-01-14

  • libheif-sys updated to version 1.10.

Breaking changes

  • All fields of EncodingOptions struct are made private. Added corresponding methods for access to these fields.
  • Method HeifContext::encode_image() now returns Result<ImageHandle>.

[0.11.0] - 2020-09-26

  • Image has marked as Send.

[0.10.0] - 2020-08-29

  • libheif-sys updated to version 1.8.
  • Added new compression format - CompressionFormat::Av1.
  • Added new values of HeifErrorSubCode enum: InvalidFractionalNumber, InvalidImageSize, InvalidPixiBox, NoAv1cBox.

[0.9.2] - 2020-08-15

  • Implemented std::error::Error for HeifError (paolobarbolini).

[0.9.1] - 2020-06-16

  • Removed num, num-traits and num-derive from dependencies.
  • Added enumn as dependency.

[0.9.0] - 2020-02-24

  • Updated versions of dependencies.

Breaking changes

  • Added argument ignore_transformations into method ImageHandle::decode().

[0.8.0] - 2019-10-03

  • Added method ImageHandle::set_primary().

Breaking changes

  • Removed dependency from failure crate.
  • Added type Result<T> as alias for std::result::Result<T, HeifError>.
  • ImageHandle::is_primary_image method renamed to ImageHandle::is_primary.

[0.7.0] - 2019-08-28

  • Separate enums ColorSpace and Chroma replaced by one complex enum ColorSpace.
  • libheif-sys updated to version 1.5.

[0.6.0] - 2019-07-17

  • Added function check_file_type that checks file type by it first bytes.

[0.5.0] - 2019-07-16

  • Renamed some values of HeifErrorCode and HeifErrorSubCode enums.

[0.4.0] - 2019-06-28

  • Added method HeifContext::read_from_reader() to create context form any object that implements the Reader trait.

[0.3.0] - 2019-06-25

  • Specified lifetime of ImageHandle. Now it depends on HeifContext.
  • HeifContext implements the Send trait now.

[0.2.1] - 2019-06-24

  • Fixed filtering of metadata blocks by type.

[0.2.0] - 2019-06-18

  • Changed URL of the crate documentation.
  • Added small example of usage into
  • Changed some enum values and name of methods to comply with the Rust naming conventions.
  • Methods Encoder::set_lossless() and Encoder::set_lossy_quality() replaced by Encoder::set_quality().
  • Added methods Image::planes() and Image::planes_mut().


  • Initial version.