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Building Instant

This document (chiefly) describes how to build the Instant backend.


A properly working installation of a Java Development Kit (Java 7 at least) is assumed.

The backend has no external dependencies (only the Java standard library); additional dependencies are included along with the source code and are bundled into the backend automatically.

Note: Backends before version 1.5.3 depended on the Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB), which was provided as part of the Java standard library up to Java 8; when building older backends on newer Javas, an implementation of JAXB (or at least javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter) must be included externally (or the pertinent transition mechanisms of Java 9 and 10 may be used when available). This dependency also applies at runtime, but is only mentioned here to reduce redundancy.

Building the backend

A pre-built backend should be provided as Instant.jar with every commit; if you do not need to run modified versions of the backend, using the pre-built one should be fine (note, however, that it does not include commit information).

UNIX-like OS-es

For re-compiling the backend, a simple make suffices. Note that, since Git does (intentionally) not preserve file timestamps, you may have to use make -B.

For assembling a backend with correct current commit information, you can use make Instant-run.jar; to run it, launch make run, which takes care of all that — including generating a key for cookie signing —, and spawns an instance on the default port. Embedding the commit number is not necessary but for the debugging of code that depends on it or for proper support of client updates.

Note that make also automatically generates bitmap icons from the SVG's provided in src/static/ (should it consider that needed). It assumes that ImageMagick is available for that; if you are unable to install the latter, you may comment the section out.

TL;DR: Install GNU Make and run make run to (re-)compile and run a properly configured backend on port 8080.


If you have a sufficiently sophisticated UNIX compatibility layer (like Cygwin) installed, the instructions above apply.

For compiling the backend manually, you can perform the following steps (as necessary); note that the result files are outside the source tree to avoid polluting it.

  1. Compile all backend source files in src\. Note that the source tree also contains the static frontend files (so naïvely compiling every file in the tree will fail).

    Console commands are not provided for this step since it is bound to be messy.

  2. Assemble the results into a JAR file.

      src\> jar cvfe ..\Instant.jar Main *
  3. (Only for quickly updating frontend files — Steps 1 and 2 are not necessary if the backend itself is unchanged:)

    Update the JAR with the frontend files.

      src\> jar uvf ..\Instant.jar *
  4. Embed the current commit into the JAR file if desired. These commands produce the file Instant-run.jar to avoid polluting Instant.jar (which may be checked into a repository) with a random commit hash, may be omitted if that is not necessary, and are run in the parent directory of the source tree.

      > copy Instant.jar Instant-run.jar
      > echo X-Git-Commit: <COMMIT-HASH> > .git-commit
      > jar ufm Instant-run.jar .git-commit

    (Replace <COMMIT-HASH> with the hash of the current commit.)

    Embedding the commit number is not necessary but for debugging code that depends on it or for proper support of client updates.

  5. Run the JAR (replace Instant-run.jar with Instant.jar if you have skipped Step 4):

      > java -jar Instant-run.jar 8080

    Instant is now available under http://localhost:8080.

TL;DR: See above for running a stock backend if this is too messy for you.

Other automated build environments

To configure the automated build system du jour, consider the following points:

  • Source files are provided in the src/net/instant/ subdirectory, with the exception of src/ (the latter can be safely skipped if you write an own launcher, though).

  • Pre-compiled libraries (with custom modifications (!)) are stored in the src/org/ subdirectory.

  • Static files are located in the src/pages/ and src/static/ subdirectories; the code expects them to be available as resources in the /pages and /static packages.

  • The (default) main class is Main in the default package; it is a thin wrapper around net.instant.Main.

  • The code expects (but does not depend on) the manifest variable X-Git-Commit to store the Git commit of the current build, or some alternative fine-grained version indicator. Additional semantics may be defined in the future.