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Cyumus Aduni NutScript Plugins

License: GPL v3

Plugins made by myself in the following communities:

· Carpathia Gaming Community

· Area 27

· La Corporativa

I made this repo for freesharing my plugins. Thanks for downloading.

Plugins until now:


Mining, lumbering... that's it, I won't work on this plugin for a while, so be a good miner or lumberer and gather some resources for... I don't know... why do you need stone, minerals and/or wood, in the first place?


Simple crafting, you may need recipes and resources to craft some items or other resources. Make your own recipes, using your own items and resources.


In four words: You shall not pass! Well... actually it's in eighteen words: You shall not pass, unless you have the ID card of the necessary level for this access reader! That's it. That's all what's this plugin about: You have the card, you have access.


You're a library rat in the real life, why does it have to be different while roleplaying? Read until your death comes, or write down how you're reading all the template books until your death comes, or write down how you're writting down how you're reading... whatever. Write what you want, nobody will read it...


You: Civil Protection! Open the door!

Them: silence

You: sigh

What would you do in this situation? sigh ? What's that? Are you even trying? Be a REAL Civil Protection Unit and kick that door! Destroy it! Agh! Bring justice to this building and destroy both the door and the anti-citizens that dared to not open the door when you said so... or... basically... kick the door and find an empty room and go to the next door swallowing your pride...


See how you fall onto the ground while dying. Hah! (disturbing :s) This plugin has been made by Thadah Denyse


Warning! A virus has been spread and the citizens can be infected. If a citizen is infected, he'll become a new spot of infection. Flee from them! Only proper clothing can save you from this menace. Cure all the infected people and do NOT allow the virus to spread over the city.


Ugh, disgusting! Are you tired of so much disgusting dirt all over the walls and floors? Take a broom, or if you're a Civil Protection Unit, make somebody take a broom, and clean the city. Rush and brush! The model escoba.mdl has been made by him.


This plugin has been originally made by Johnny Guitar. Its original name is 'bankrobbery', but I saw this plugin and I decided to change the way it works. The original plugin only uses the vault as a looting entity, but I decided to use the vault also as what it is: a vault. You can Deposit, withdraw and check the money inside it. Also, you can close and open it if you're the owner. And if not, you can try to force the vault using a drill (using the original code).


Why now?

I made these plugins when I was 18 for NS 1.0, I ported some plugins to NS 1.1, and now there's a new version of NS 1.2. I'm currently working on my personal projects and I won't neither port them to NS 1.2 nor work on NS for a while, so I decided to publish them...


I know. As I said, I made these plugins when I was 18. I was unexperienced and I didn't know how to code properly (neither I am nowadays after been studying Computer Science, but whatever...). Don't hesitate to create issues on this repo. I'll fix them when I have time. Also, don't raise the WTFs per minute when you find something WTFable, please, I'm busy working on other projects and I'll only take care of the Issues.

How do I create a new Issue?

If you click on this magic link, it'll bring you to the magic world of Issuesland

Do not hesitate to ask, and I'll answer you.


Public Plugins Made for NutScript







No releases published


