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react-gn CircleCI

A CLI for developing react applications.


react-gn can be installed globally:
npm i @react-gn/react-gn -g

Or with yarn:
yarn global add @react-gn/react-gn


Creates a new react application.

react-gn new <name> [options]
react-gn n <name> [options]

Farmers Market Finder Demo


react-gn uses create-react-app under the hood, which you need to install globally in order to use the new command. You can see the current file structure of a new create-react-app here.


Argument Description
<name> A name for the new react application.


Option Alias Description Default
- -interactive -i When false, disables interactive mode. true
- -ts - When passed, adds setup for typescript in the new app. false
- -withRedux -wr When passed, adds setup for redux and redux thunk. false
- -ejected -e When passed, ejects the create-react-app. false


You can checkout the result from running the new command with typescript and redux options applied in the demos.


Generates a new component.

react-gn generate [options]
react-gn g [options]



Generates new components and applies different options (i.e. class or functional component, styling options, typescript, redux etc...).


Option Alias Description Default
- -interactive -i When false, disables interactive mode. true
- -ts - When passed, the component is created with typescript. false
- -path -p A target path for the new component. ./
- -dirName - A name for the new component directory. my-component
- -isClass -class Create a class component false
- -withRedux -wr Specify whether to use redux or not. false
- -withHooks -wh Specify whether to use hooks or not. false
- -withState -ws Specify whether to use state or not. false
- -withPropTypes -wpt Specify whether to use prop types or not. false
- -withCss -wcss Specify whether to use css for styling or not. true
- -withLess -wless Specify whether to use LESS for styling or not. false
- -withSass -wsass Specify whether to use SASS for styling or not. false
- -withStyledComponents -wsc Specify whether to use Styled Components for styling or not. false


You can checkout the result from running the generate command with some options applied in the demos.


Generates a new component based on a template.

react-gn template [options]
react-gn t [options]



Creation of new components can be customized using ejs templates.


Option Alias Description Default
- -interactive -i When false, disables interactive mode. true
- -template -t Template directory name. ./
- -path -p A target path for the new component. ./
- -dirName - A name for the new component directory. my-component


Let's create a template for a container component. You can create a ./templates directory in your project and put the different templates there.


import React, { Component } from "react";  
import { connect } from "react-redux";  
import "./<%= Component %>.css";  
import * as PropTypes from "prop-types";  
class <%= Component %> extends Component {  
 constructor(props) {
  this.state = <%= state %>;
 render() {
  return (
    <div><%= Component %></div> 
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({});  
const mapStateToProps = state => ({});  
<%= Component %>.propTypes = {  
 className: PropTypes.string
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(<%= Component %>);  


import React from 'react';  
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';  
import <%= Component %> from './<%= Component %>';  
it('renders without crashing', () => {  
 const div = document.createElement('div');
 ReactDOM.render(<<%= Component %> />, div);


.<%= Component %> {  
 color: red;

Additionally you can create a data.json file which will contain data that will be used when rendering the templates. If this file is not provided the only data being passed to the templates will be the component name. In some cases if additional data is required (i.e. the initial state for a component etc...), you can create a data file:

  "state": {"count": 0}

By using the template command the templates will be rendered, inserting the component name and all additional data passed from data.json. Additionally {Component} from the template files name will be replace by the actual name provided in the command. When you initially start working with the template command, a good approach would be to copy and paste some of your existing components and convert them into ejs templates. Then you can use them when running the template command to create new components which are customized for your codebase.

You can checkout the result of running the template command in the demos.


react-gn would not be possible without the help from these existing projects:


If something doesnt’t work, please file an issue.

PRs Welcome


react-gn is open source software licensed as MIT.


A CLI for developing react applications.








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