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Berin Loritsch edited this page Nov 10, 2018 · 2 revisions

DHaven.Faux has most of the stuff I want right now, including Hystrix and Discovery support. I need to figure out how to handle the build integration since I have dependencies so that we can make it even easier to integrate with your projects.

Currently, DHaven.Faux will be happy to generate your implementations at initialization time, or use the implementations you generated yourself using FauxGen. Both projects are available in NuGet, so please take advantage of the project yourself.

I am keenly interested in any bug reports, and any help to make this project even better. In the mean time if you don't see much going on here, it's because I'm working on another project to demonstrate its use and explore microservice architecture using primarily DotNet services with some of the NetFlix infrastructure.

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