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Version 1.0.4-dev

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@D-MBLD D-MBLD released this 06 Apr 15:22
· 5 commits to master since this release

Important: If you want to avoid, that user notification settings are deleted, when deactivating the previous release, you may want to install the intermediate release v1.0.3-prepare1.0.4 and follow the instructions there.

Contains the following improvements:

Support telegram commands /start and /update. (You may define them in the bot definition)
Select forum and topic by sending their number.
Relative links are completed with the boards server address.
Avoid texts with starting slash to be interpreted as telegram command.
Save/restore user notification settings when extension is deactivated/activated.
Shortening of text to 4096 characters respects character counting of telegram.
(Only pure text, no links, formatting characters etc.)
Even if text is shortened (>4096 characters) the title with topic link stays available.