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v3.0.0 - Version detection script & tree restructuring

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@CyberShadow CyberShadow released this 21 May 14:22
· 97 commits to master since this release

This release adds a script which detects the host machine's OpenSSL version, and configures the bindings to target that version. Previously, any such detection had to be done in the main application's build process.

The build script will be invoked automatically when using the library with Dub. The current implementation of the script supports only POSIX platforms where the OpenSSL version number can be queried with pkg-config; improvements are welcome. The targeted version number can be still overridden by building the application with a version like DeimosOpenSSL_1_1_0 defined.

The addition of the script (which is not part of the bindings source code) also required pivoting the source root into a new subdirectory, which can be a breaking change on some setups; therefore, this release is a major version bump.

Because these bindings aim to provide compatibility with more than one OpenSSL version, the versioning scheme has changed: the suffix in the version numbers has been dropped, and a simple Semantic Versioning scheme is now used. If you find compatibility with any particular OpenSSL version to be lacking, improvements are welcome.

Auto-generated changelog since the last release (but not the last tag) follows:

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Full Changelog: v2.0.0+1.1.0h...v3.0.0