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Appetizer Hackathon '22 FullStack App using HashScraper API

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Appetizer Hackathon 2022


  • Ensure that JDK is set to gradle 8
  • Run the application by going to java/hackathon/d2hd/getGoingApp/ and running the file
  • Application will run on http://localhost:8080
  • Ensure that the frontend application is running as well which should run on http://localhost:3000


Hashtag Repository

  • Interface extending JPARepository
  • The interface uses JPA methods to sort and filter through the database by using different metrics such as time, topics or both.

Tweet Repository

  • An interface extending JPARepository
  • Has no JPA methods to sort or filter through the database as they are not needed
  • Specified as an Entity.
  • Specifies instance variables for the class.
  • The @Table annotation is used to define the table name
  • The @Id annotation is used to specify the primary key in the entity.


  • Values:
    • value1: URL
    • value2: Topic
      • ex: #forsale
    • value3: Profile Name
    • value4: Tweet ID
      • ex: 708060302445826049
    • value5: Username
      • ex: Floridacollect
    • value6: Profile Picture URL
    • value7: Tweet content
      • ex: #forsale #barbaracrampton Check out Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich, Brand New Sealed Blu-ray Barbara Crampton #eBay via @eBay
    • value8: Tweet Like Count
      • ex: 0
    • value9: Tweet Retweet Count
      • ex: 0
    • value10: Tweet Reply Count
      • ex: 0
    • value11: Tweet Quote Tweet Count
      • ex: 0
    • value12: Photo URLs
      • ex: []
    • value13: Photo URL Number
      • ex: []
    • value14: Time of Scrape
      • ex: 2022-11-07 08:49:21 +0900
    • value15: Tweet JSON with sentiment
      • ex: [{"content":"#forsale #barbaracrampton Check out Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich, Brand New Sealed Blu-ray Barbara Crampton #eBay via @eBay","score":0.0}]
      • Sentiment is broken down per sentence and the score is shown at the very end


  • Values:
    • hashtag_id: String type identifier
    • hashtag_name: String type value
    • num_of_occurrences: Long type value
    • timestamp: LocalDate type value
    • like_count: Long type value
    • general_sentiment: Double type value

TweetDto class

  • Used to instantiate a TweetDto object with variables of different types so that specific operations (which are not performable with purely string attributes) can be performed
  • Constructor: Has 13 variables
    • url: Stored as a String variable
    • topic: Stored as a String variable
    • profile_name: Stored as a String variable
    • tweet_id: Stored as a Long variable
    • username: Stored as a String variable
    • tweet_content: Stored as String variable
    • hashtagList: Stored as a list as it contains each hashtag
    • tweet_like_count: Stored as a Long variable
    • tweet_retweet_count: Stored as a Long variable
    • tweet_reply_count: Stored as a Long variable
    • tweet_quote_tweet_count: Stored as a Long variable
    • localDateTime: Stored as a localDateTime variable
    • general_sentiment: Stored as a Double (for extra precision)


  • Used to instantiate a HashTagDto object with variables of different types so that specific operations (which are not performable with purely string attributes) can be performed.
  • The instance variables of these objects continually change every time a scrape is called.
  • Constructor: Has 8 variables
    • hashtag_id: Stored as a String variable
    • hashtag_name: Stored as a String variable
    • like_count: Stores total likes of all tweets having this hashtag. Stored as a long variable
    • daily_hashtag_count: Stores number of times a hashtag has been searched in the last 7 days as an array.
    • weekly_hashtag_count: Stores number of times a hashtag has been searched over the 4 weeks as an array.
    • weekly_general_sentiment: Stores as an array of GeneralSentiment objects. The first index is the sentiment of a hashtag of the oldest week while the last index is the hashtag of the newest week. This variable stores 4 values in the array, one for each week.
    • general_sentiment_of_the_day: Stored as a GeneralSentiment object holding the sentiment of the hashtag on the current day. Changes daily.
    • general_sentiment_of_the_week: Holds one GeneralSentiment object containing the average sentiment of the particular hashtag over the 1 week.
    • daily_retweet_count: Stored as an array of long type variables where each value corresponds to the total retweet count of all the tweets with that hashtag over 1 day. The first index corresponds to the last day.
    • num_of_occurrence: Stores the total occurrences of all tweets having this hashtag. Stored as a Long variable.
    • timestamp: Stores the timestamp of the last scraped tweet with the same hashtag name. Stored as a localDate variable.
    • general_sentiment: Stores the average sentiment of all tweets having the same hashtag. Stored as a Double variable (for better precision)
    • retweet_count: Stores total number of retweets all the tweets with this hashtag have as a long data type.



Converts the String of the response body from the Hashscraper API call and converts it into a list of Tweet objects that will be saved into the TweetRepository


Deletes all the Tweet objects from the Tweet database


Converts the Tweet object that has been passed through as a parameter into a TweetDto object


Converts the string passed from the parameter into a LocalDateTime object


Converts a list of Tweet objects into a list of TweetDto objects


Extract every unique and valid hashtag from a user's tweet. Hashtags that contain/are words from the blacklist are skipped. The regular expression used matches a single pound/hash sign, followed by one or more alphanumeric/underscore character.

tweetJsonToGeneralSentiment(String tweet_json)

Extract the general sentiment of a tweet. Computes the average for tweets with multiple general sentiments.



Creates a Hashtag object from a TweetDto object by concatenating the String of the desIred hashtag with the date of the TweetDto


Converts a list of TweetDto objects into a list of Hashtag objects and saves them into the Hashtag repository


Deletes all the Hashtag objects from the Hashtag database


Gets a list of all Hashtag objects from the Hashtag Database


Gets a list of the most popular hashtags based on number of occurrence


Converts a Hashtag object into a HashtagDto object


Converts a list of Hashtag objects into a list of HashtagDtos


Saves individual Hashtag objects into the Hashtag repository


Get the number of times a specific hashtag has been searched in a week


Get an Array of size 4 that contains the number of occurrence of a Hashtag over 4 weeks Each index in the Array represents the week in relation to the date of the Hashtag object Index 0 will be the oldest week while index 4 will be the current week


Returns the GeneralSentiment object of a Hashtag over a specific week Will contain the count of the number of positive and negative sentiments


Get an Array of size 4 that contains the GeneralSentiment of a Hashtag over 4 weeks Each index in the Array represents the week in relation to the date of the Hashtag object Index 0 will be the oldest week while index 4 will be the current week


Returns the GeneralSentiment object of a Hashtag over a day Will contain the count of the number of positive and negative sentiments


Get an Array of size 7 that contains the number of occurrence of a Hashtag over 7 days Each index in the Array represents the day in relation to the date of the Hashtag object Index 0 will be the oldest day while index 4 will be the current day


Get an Array of size 7 that contains the number of retweets of a Hashtag over 7 days Each index in the Array represents the day in relation to the date of the Hashtag object Index 0 will be the oldest day while index 4 will be the current day


Returns the GeneralSentiment object of a Hashtag over a week Will contain the count of the number of positive and negative sentiments



Returns the top five hashtags based on the number of occurrence.


Performs a keyword search using hashscraperResponseBodyToTweetDeserializer to obtain a list of TweetDto objects.


Converts a String representation of a date to the LocalDate object.


Performs a POST request to Hashscraper's API to obtain the tweets as specified by the keyword.
This method is limited to 10 tweets to prevent a timeout.


Performs hashscraperCall with the date parameters.


Updates the number of occurrence of a hashtag, its like and retweet count, and overall general sentiment.


Appetizer Hackathon '22 FullStack App using HashScraper API






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Contributors 4

