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Rce Bot

Build CodeQL

RceBot group bot repository | FAQ


  • JDK 8
  • MySQL Server

Launch options

-h --help - Show help

-c --config [PATH_TO_CONFIG] - Path to the configuration file (default bot.ini|../bot.ini|../../bot.ini|config/bot.ini)

-t --token [TOKEN] - Group token (Permissions: messages, offline) (can be specified in bot.ini)

-lp --longpoll - Use Long Polling to receive a messages (Default)

-cb --callback [TOKEN] - Use Call Back to receive a message

-cd --confirmcode [value] - Confirmation to add server to the CallBack API (get value from the group API administration panel in VK)

-tm --test --testmode - Test Mode, don't sends logs, reply only to admin

-n --names [PATH_TO_FILE] Path to file with the names (regex) that the bot responds to, separated by commas

-aid --adminid [ADMIN_ID] - Admin ID (e.g. your VK page's ID)

-v --apiversion [VERSION] - set VK API version (default 5.130)


On the host

  1. Install pre-requisites, MySQL and JDK8 or JRE8
  2. Download the latest release from the Releases tab
  3. Unpack the release
  4. Specify your options in config/bot.ini
  5. If your database is not running yet, start now
  6. Start the bot by running:
java -jar RceBot-*-RELEASE.jar

In a Docker container

  1. If you don't have docker, install it
  2. Download the latest docker release from the Releases tab (DockerHub will be implemented at a later date)
  3. Unpack the release
  4. Specify your options in config/bot.ini
  5. Get and start the database container (this is optional, you can run it directly on the host)
docker run -d \
--env MYSQL_PORT=3306 \
  1. Load the rce-bot-vk container
docker load < rce-bot-vk_docker.tar.gz
  1. Start the container (append -tm to the LAUNCH_ARGS to start in test mode (only responds to admin's messages))
docker run -d \
--env JMX_HOST=
--env JMX_PORT=9010
--env LAUNCH_ARGS= -lp -aid ${ADMIN_ID_HERE}
-v "$PWD/config:/app/config"


  1. If you don't have docker, install it
  2. Download the latest docker release from the Releases tab (DockerHub will be implemented at a later date)
  3. Unpack the release
  4. Specify your options in config/bot.ini and docker-compose
  5. Run it with:
docker-compose up -d

NOTE: you can check the logs via: docker-compose logs while in the project folder

Building from sources

  1. Install Maven
  2. Clone repostitory and move into the directory
git clone
cd rce-bot-vk
  1. Build the project
mvn clean package
  1. Maven will now build and output the app into ./target


Apache License


No releases published


  • Java 74.2%
  • JavaScript 14.1%
  • CSS 9.2%
  • PHP 1.5%
  • Other 1.0%