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Releases: DCC-Lab/RayTracing


02 Feb 21:08
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  • Hundreds of new lenses thanks to Alex Tchung
  • Small modifications to allow integration in Tkinter (coming soon!)

1.3.10 Minor bug fixes

30 Jan 20:03
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.3.9...1.3.10

Display improvements, convenience functions

27 Jul 14:24
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What's Changed

  • Small convenenience functions: ToConjugate(), ToFocus(matrix), Lens().focusToFocus()
  • Fix various display properties by @JLBegin in #437
  • Fix bug in GaussianBeam where wavelength wasn't converted to nm for printing by @mroddewig in #443
  • Better compound element figure by @dccote in #445
  • Version checking: We timestamp even when we fail: no need to keep checking by @dccote in #448
  • Preferences, better version check and convenience functions by @dccote in #450

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.3.7...1.3.9

Aperture NA: limiting the acceptance angle

27 Sep 19:15
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Simple addition: aperture now has an optional parameter NA which can act as a limiting NA for the rays. Therefore, you can for instance use an aperture with a finite diameter and finite NA to simulate an optical fibre.

More examples and documentation improvements, and small bug fixes

01 Jul 04:18
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Thanks for the feedback, a few improvements and a few bug fixes:

  1. Final small changes to examples. Use python -m raytracing to see all examples or python -m raytracing -l to list all examples.
  2. Bug fix for the display of some lenses with very small radii of curvature.
  3. There is an expert mode to limit the warning. Define the environment variable RAYTRACING_EXPERT=1 to minimize the warnings.
  4. The package will quickly check (if possible) on pypi to see if there is a newer version of raytracing and will let you know how to upgrade. It will only check every once a day.

Better examples, documentation fixes and small bug fixes

07 May 04:16
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  • imageSize was modified to address confusion: in optical design, the object is always the field of view, and the image size is naturally the magnifation x FOV. However, although in real systems the FOV is always finite, it is not the case in small systems with infinite diameters, often used to get started with calculations. This led to confusion, because imageSize was infinite with no Field Stop is present (at least two finite diameter elements). So now, imageSize will offer to use the finite objectHeight of ImagingPath for the calculation if the FOV is infinite. It is a new parameter imageSize(useObject=False) that defaults to the same behaviour as before.
  • Documentation has been improved significantly: better figures (up to date), syntax coloring on graphs
  • Example code is now distributed with the module and is accessible with import raytracing.examples
  • And all the goodies of 1.3.4

1.3.4 Chromatic aberrations and Zemax files

02 May 18:33
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Important new features, mostly related to compound lenses (i.e. Doublets from vendors for instance).

  1. Material has a findByName method that can help find a material by name or findByIndex to find a material with the appropriate index within a certain tolerance. Documentation explains how you can include your own materials and they will be included in the search.
  2. All achromats now also include a new function called showChromaticAberrations. If you write:
    from raytracing import *
    wavelengths, shifts = thorlabs.AC254_100_A().focalShifts()
    you get the graph of the focal shift or you can get the values directly. They reproduce the Thorlabs graphs perfectly.
  3. A new class called ZMXReader to read a ZMX file and get the lens from it. it has been tested with files from Thorlabs and Edmund, and they match the implemented classes. It can return a MatrixGroup that you can use as a element in an ImagingPath for instance. Some work will be done soon to integrate this knowledge better, validate lenses, etc...
  4. The ZMXReader can actually list the lens "prescription" in text so you can see what it is without necessariy using raytracing.
  5. Any Material class derived by the user is included in the findBy functions, therefore the ZMXReader will make use of your material to build the lens. If a material is missing, you can add it to your script and it will be considered. See "README Adding New Materials"

1.3.3 Better documentation, parallel computing bug fixed

11 Mar 19:36
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* Readthedocs will now show the inherited functions for all classes, simplifying getting started for new users.

  • traceManyThroughInParallel now falls back to single process if there is any error. It appears the multiplrocessing package can become flaky on some platforms. To avoid problems, we simply use the slower version when needed.
  • Better fanAngles by default for images, although they will be deprecated in 1.4.x (use ObjectRays instead).

1.3.2 Code improvement for programmers

02 Mar 03:45
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  • Many functions now return named tuples for simpler management by programmers, while maintaining compatibility.
  • Small bug in display was not using fanNumber.

1.3.1 Small bug fixes since publication

29 Jan 15:22
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Since the publication, small bugs have been fixed. Thanks to all for feedback.