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Framework for evaluation and running MIC21 models

The framework is based on FiftyOne (an open-source tool for building high-quality datasets and computer vision models), Yolact, Detectron2 and is an implementation of Mask R-CNN on Python3, Keras and TensorFlow. We pre-trained Fast R-CNN models using Detectron2 framework with ground truth annotations for 130 subdomains in the Sport, Transport, Arts and Security thematic fields and this resulted in 130 models which generate bounding boxes and segmentation masks for each instance of an object in an image. It's based on ResNet 101 backbone.

The repository includes:

  1. Source code of Mask R-CNN built on FPN and ResNet101.
  2. Training code for MS COCO.
  3. Pre-trained weights for MS COCO and above 800 labels.
  4. Jupyter notebooks to visualize the detection pipeline at every step.
  5. Evaluation on MS COCO metrics integrated in FiftyOne.

System requirements

CUDA 11.3 capable graphic controller.


Clone the git repository for the framework:

git clone

Navigate to the top directory of the MIC21 framework:

cd mic21-framework

Download mic21 model images together with annotations in JSON into /server/uploads subdirectory

wget -r -np -k -P ./server/uploads

Download mic21 model weights into /work/output subdirectory.

wget -r -np -k -P ./work/output

Setup the docker to host port mapping according to your preferences by modififying docker-compose.yml

version: "2"
    build: .
      - "PORT_DEVL:8888"
      - "PORT_SERV:5000"
      - "PORT_VIEW:5151"
      - ../:/host
    runtime: nvidia

where PORT_DEVL is the port for accessing jupyter notebooks used for training and accessing the models, PORT_SERV is the port for accessing the framework programming interface and the PORT_VIEW is used for accessing the visualization and presentation platform FiftyOne. The development port (PORT_DEVL) is optional and might be kept closed.

Navigate to /host/yolact directory and download Yolact model weights used for prediction with:

wget --load-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt "$(wget --quiet --save-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --no-check-certificate '' -O- | sed -rn 's/.*confirm=([0-9A-Za-z_]+).*/\1\n/p')&id=1UYy3dMapbH1BnmtZU4WH1zbYgOzzHHf_" -O yolact_base_54_800000.pth && rm -rf /tmp/cookies.txt

Build the docker image with

docker-compose build

Start the docker image with

docker-compose up

Populate the database with


API server interface

All functions are accessed through http://domain:srv_port/path

Path Function
predict?model=yolact&categ_name=categ&threshold=0.9 Prediction of annotations using the Yolact software. Replace the categ with the categ name you intend to make a prediction on. The images from the category have to be uploaded in the server/uploads/categ folder. The threshold value can be modified in the range from 0 to 1.
predict?model=detectron2&categ_name=categ&threshold=0.9 Prediction of annotations using the Detectron2 software. Replace the categ with the categ name you intend to make a prediction on. The images from the category have to be uploaded in the server/uploads/categ folder. The threshold value can be modified in the range from 0 to 1.
predict?model=mic21&categ_name=categ&threshold=0.9 Prediction of annotations using the trained models from MIC21 annotations. Replace the categ with the categ name you intend to make a prediction on. The images from the category have to be uploaded in the server/uploads/categ folder. The threshold value can be modified in the range from 0 to 1. The weights of the trained model should be presented as a file work/output/categ.pth
load_dataset?categ_name=categ Import the images, their ground truth and predictions into fiftyone presentation framework for the dataset with a name categ. Images should be present into /server/uploads/categ folder. The function automatically scans for ground truth annotations (categ_gt.json) and predicted annotations (categ_yolact.json, categ_detectron2.json, categ_mic32.json) into server/uploads folder.
load_all_datasets Run this command initially to load all dataset into FiftyOne.
upload_file?categ_name=categ A simple interface to upload a file to the particular dataset with a name categ. (Deprecated, new images can be uploaded through the fiftyone client application.)
evaluate?categ_name=categ Evaluate detections against ground truth and store the results into fiftyone application. Print the comparison statistics.


Framework for evaluation and running MIC21 models






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