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R implementation of Contextual Importance and Utility for Explainable AI


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R implementation of Contextual Importance and Utility for Explainable AI


This is an R implementation of the Contextual Importance and Utility (CIU) concepts for Explainable AI (XAI). CIU was developed by Kary Främling in his PhD thesis Learning and Explaining Preferences with Neural Networks for Multiple Criteria Decision Making, (written in French, title Modélisation et apprentissage des préférences par réseaux de neurones pour l'aide à la décision multicritère), available online for instance here: It was originally implemented in Matlab.

Documentation generated by devtools::build_site() is available here.

What is CIU?

According to current (2021) XAI vocabulary, CIU is a model-agnostic method for producing outcome explanations of results of any "black-box" model y=f(x).

CIU directly estimates two elements of explanation by observing the behaviour of the black-box model (without creating any "interpretable" model g of f(x)):

  • Contextual Importance (CI) is a measure of how much an output can change as a function of changes of one (or several) input features x.
  • Contextual Utility (CU) indicates how favorable the current value of one (or several) input features is for a high-utility output value, i.e. a high probability in a classification task or a high ranking in a decision task.

The following figure illustrates the principle, when we want to explain why the output value z=0.178 (i.e. not so good) for the input values (x,y)=(0.1,0.2). The non-linear "black-box" function is z = (x^0.5 + y^2)/2.

Illustration of CIU

CI = (Cmax - Cmin)/(absmax - absmin)

CU = (out - Cmin)/(Cmax - Cmin)

For the illustration in the figure, CI = 0.5 for both inputs, whereas CU = 0.32 for x and CU = 0.04 for y. More formal and detailed descriptions can be found in articles on CIU.


ciu is available from CRAN at and can be installed using the standard install.packages("ciu") command.

However, in order to use the latest developments, ciu can be installed directly from Github with the command

# install.packages('devtools') # Uncomment if devtools wasn't installed already

Remark: If you get an error about inconsistency in Help file database, then restart R. This seems to happen if first removing ciu and then doing the install straight after. Apparently the un-install temporarily messes up the help database and this is not specific to ciu.


The file TestCases.R contains functions for running and testing CIU with various functions and data sets (Iris, Boston, Heart Disease, UCI Cars, Diamonds, Titanic, Adult) and machine learning models (lda, Random Forest, GBM). What is shown in the rest of this file is mainly for giving a quick introduction to CIU and the use of the ciupackage without needing to install it first.

We use the Iris data set here for simplicity. Iris is a classification task. The use of CIU for a regression task is shown with the Boston Housing Dataset and Gradient Boosting (gbm) model here.

To begin with, we will start by training an lda model on the Iris data set.

iris_train <- iris[, 1:4]
iris_lab <- iris[[5]][]
model <- lda(iris_train, iris_lab)

Then we test with a particular Iris flower instance and set up the CIU explainer. This Iris will clearly be a Virginica if the model learns correctly. What we want to know is why it is a Virginica.

# The hypothetical Iris that we have been using in CIU tests.
iris_test <- iris_train[1,] # Just to initialize and get columns etc right
iris_test[1,]<-c(7, 3.2, 6, 1.8)
ciu <-, Species~., iris, output.names=levels(iris$Species))
# Displays something like:
#                     CI           CU         Cmin         Cmax
#setosa     1.833523e-33 6.581821e-05 1.180608e-50 1.833523e-33
#versicolor 2.316049e-02 6.043223e-02 2.158111e-07 2.316071e-02
#virginica  2.316049e-02 9.395678e-01 9.768393e-01 9.999998e-01

CIU values are just the "raw material" for producing actual explanations, which can be visual, textual, sounds or whatever means of presentation is the most appropriate to the user and the context. A bar plot of the same kind as what is often used for LIME and SHAP, for instance, is produced by the following method call.

ciu$barplot.ciu(iris_test, ind.output=3)

When doing a barplot for all Iris classes with lda model, it looks like below. Random Forest barplots for Iris

The code for producing that plot is the following:

# Do barplot for all three classes in same Figure
for ( iris.ind in 1:length(levels(iris$Species)) ) {
    ciu$barplot.ciu(iris_test, ind.output=iris.ind)

A major difference in the plot above compared to those that are usually used with LIME, for instance, is that CIU has two dimensions (importance and utility) rather than only speaking about importance as most (all?) other methods. The length of the bar corresponds to the Contextual Importance (CI) value, while the color changes depending on the Contextual Utility (CU). A "low" CU (<0.5 by default) signifies that the value is defavorable for the output and gives a red bar. A "high" CU (>=0.5 by default) signifies that the value is favorable for the output and gives a green bar. The more (de/)favorable the value, the darker the colour. lda tends to produce very sharp class limits, so the color nuances are not well visible in this case.

Next, we will do the same using a Random Forest model.

# Then same with Random Forest
model <- train(iris_train, iris_lab, method = 'rf')
ciu <-, Species~., iris, output.names=levels(iris$Species))
#           CI    CU Cmin  Cmax 
#setosa     0     0  0     0    
#versicolor 0.034 0  0.002 0.036
#virginica  0.034 1  0.964 0.998
ciu$barplot.ciu(iris_test, ind.output=3)

When doing a barplot for all Iris classes with Random Forest model, it looks like below. Random Forest barplots for Iris

The code for producing that plot is the following:

# Do barplot for all three classes in same Figure
for ( iris.ind in 1:length(levels(iris$Species)) ) {
  ciu$barplot.ciu(iris_test, ind.output=iris.ind)

The same might be more practical to do using ggplot version:


The ggplot version looks like below. Random Forest ggplot for Iris

There is also a method called pie.ciu that visualizes CIU using a pie chart, that looks like the following, produced just by replacing ciu@barplot.ciu with ciu@pie.ciu. Random Forest pie charts for Iris

The following figure shows how the outputs of all three Iris classes change as a function of "Petal Size" with Random Forest classifier. This was produced by calling ciu$plot.ciu.3D(iris_test, c(3,4), ind.output=1) for all three ind.output values.

Iris class outputs as a function of Petal Size

The following figure shows how the output for Virginica changes as a function of the four different inputs with Random Forest classifier. This was produced by calling ciu$plot.ciu(iris_test, ind.input=3, ind.output=3) for all three ind.output values.

Virginica output as a function of one input at a time with Random Forest

Figures such as these make it possible to see where CI and CU come from. CI expresses how much a result/output can change as a function of one or more inputs relatively to the whole output range. CU expresses if the current value is favorable for a high value or not.

Support for different AI/ML models

For the moment, any caret model should work (and most of them have been tested). The MASS:lda and stats::lm are also supported. Other models might work directly also, the default behaviour is to call pred <- predict(model,inputs) and retrieve result from pred$posterior.

For any other models, the prediction function to be use can be given as value of the predict.function argument of method.

Additionally, any object that implements the CIU.BlackBox interface with an eval function is automatically supported. The template for creating such a class looks as follows and examples are provided in the package's documentation (do ? <- function() {
  m <- list(eval = function(inputs) { NULL })
  class(m) <- c("CIU.BlackBox", class(m))


Kary Främling


The use of this package is described in FRÄMLING, Kary. Contextual Importance and Utility in R: the 'ciu' Package. In: Proceedings of 1st Workshop on Explainable Agency in Artificial Intelligence, at 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Virtual, Online. February 8-9, 2021. pp. 110-114., accessible at

The first publication on CIU was in the ICANN conference in Paris in 1995: FRÄMLING, Kary, GRAILLOT, Didier. Extracting Explanations from Neural Networks. ICANN'95 proceedings, Vol. 1, Paris, France, 9-13 October, 1995. Paris: EC2 & Cie, 1995. pp. 163-168., accessible at

The second publication, and last before "hibernation" of CIU research, is FRÄMLING, Kary. Explaining Results of Neural Networks by Contextual Importance and Utility. Proceedings of the AISB'96 conference, 1-2 April 1996. Brighton, UK, 1996., accessible at


R implementation of Contextual Importance and Utility for Explainable AI







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