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Feast Model

Jacob deGroot-Maggetti edited this page Oct 13, 2022 · 15 revisions

Feast (code) is a model in the main_app app. It inherits from BaseModel.

Each feast object represents a liturgical celebration that occurs during the church year, or a service commemorating a particular event. Each Chant in the database is associated with a single feast.


Feast has a Detail view and a List view.


  • name: a string. Examples include "Pro ordinatione Episcopi", "Mederici", "Comm. Apostolorum TQ"
  • description: a string, providing more information and occasionally explaining short forms in the name field. Examples include "Chants for the ordination of a bishop", "Medericus (Merry), Abbot", "Common of Apostles, Lent"
  • feast_code: a string, usually consisting of eight numeric digits. We're waiting for researchers at OldCantus to decide on a new standard for labelling Feasts, so this may be updated soon.
  • notes: a string. Rarely used; when it is, it often references a book with further information about the feast. Examples include "Holweck, p. 1033", "Holweck, p. 405".
  • month: an integer, 1 <= month <= 12, representing the month of the year in which the feast occurs. It is not specified for many feasts in the database.
  • day: an integer, 1 <= day <= 31, representing the calendar day on which the feast occurs. It is not specified for many feasts in the database.
  • prefix: a string containing the first two characters of the feast_code, used for separating feasts into different categories (i.e., temporale and sanctorale). The prefix field needs to be populated using the add_prefix management command.
  • inherited from BaseModel:
    • date_created
    • date_updated
    • created_by
    • last_updated_by


  • inherited from BaseModel:
    • save()
    • display_name (property)
    • get_absolute_url()
    • get_verbose_name()
    • get_verbose_name_plural()
    • get_fields_and_properties()