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Build status: Build Status

Code quality: Codacy Badge

Release: GitHub release


First configure your settings.xml in your .m2 folder with this profile, you can find an example in config/maven folder.


Building the project:

mvn clean install

Running from the parent:

mvn -pl smart-campus-web spring-boot:run

Running from the smart-campus-web module:

mvn spring-boot:run

Running as jar:

java -jar [smart-campus-web]/target/jarFileName.jar

With Wildfly 10:

Build the project with:

mvn clean install -Pwith-wildfly

Running from the parent:

mvn -pl smart-campus-web wildfly:run

Running from the smart-campus-web module:

mvn wildfly:run

With the run goal the server starts and deploys the .war. With start goal you can start the server. With deploy goal you can deploy the app and etc...

If you want to run it in debug you have to run wildfly with -Pdebug maven profile.

Test data:

| Username | Password | |: ------- :|: ------ :| | admin | admin | | adamkai | password | | nolbi | password | | holikai | password | | filtikai | password | | palu | password | | butikai | password | | gabai | password |

Running tests:

You must have Selenium webdriver and Protractor installed!

First you must start the webdriver-manager with webdriver-manager start.

Then in another console you must go to /smart-campus-web/src/test/protractor and run protractor protractor.conf.js.