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Implementaton of proposed datastore interface for the DECODE IoTPilot/Scale Model.


Run make or make build to build our binary compiled for linux/amd64 with the current directory volume mounted into place. This will store incremental state for the fastest possible build. To build for arm or arm64 you can use: make build ARCH=arm or make build ARCH=arm64. To build all architectures you can run make all-build.

Run make container to package the binary inside a container. It will calculate the image tag based on the current VERSION (calculated from git tag or commit - see make version to view the current version). To build containers for the other supported architectures you can run make container ARCH=arm or make container ARCH=arm64. To make all containers run make all-container.

Run make push to push the container image to REGISTRY, and similarly you can run make push ARCH=arm or make push ARCH=arm64 to push different architecture containers. To push all containers run make all-push.

Run make clean to clean up.


To run the test suite, use the make task test. This will run all testcases inside a containerized environment but pointing at a different DB instance to avoid overwriting any data stored in your local development DB.

In addition, there is a simple bash script (in client/ that uses curl to exercise the basic functions of the API. The script inserts 4 entries, then paginates through them, before deleting all inserted data. The purpose of this script is just to sanity check the functionality from the command line.

How to use the image

To use the image it needs to have access to a PostgreSQL server in order to persist incoming data. This may be an existing server on your machine, but the simplest way to run the image is via docker compose. An example compose file is shown below:

version: '3'
    image: postgres:10-alpine
      - "5432:5432"
    restart: always
      - postgres_vol:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password
      - POSTGRES_USER=decode
      - POSTGRES_DB=postgres

    image: thingful/iotstore-amd64:v0.0.9-dirty
      - "8080:8080"
    restart: always
      - IOTSTORE_DATABASE_URL=postgres://decode:password@postgres:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable
      - postgres
    command: [ "server", "--verbose" ]


The above compose file starts postgresql and the datastore containers running in verbose mode using the default postgres system database. We will need to a little more work to run with other services, but this will let you test out the basic operations of the datastore.


The binary generated for this application is called iotstore. It has the following four subcommands:

  • delete - can be used to delete old data from the database
  • help - displays help informmation
  • migrate - allows database migrations to be created and applied
  • server - the primary command that starts up the server.

For operational use the server command is the only one that is generally required.

Configuration for server command

Flag Environment Variable Description Default value Required
--addr or -a IOTSTORE_ADDR The address to which the server binds No
--domains IOTSTORE_DOMAINS Comma separated list of domains at which the server is reachable No
--verbose IOTSTORE_VERBOSE Flag that if set enables verbose mode False No
--database-url or -d IOTSTORE_DATABASE_URL Connection string for Postgres database Yes
SENTRY_DSN Optional DSN string for Sentry error reporting No

Note, including the domains configuration property implies that the server should deploy and run using LetsEncrypt to automatically obtain a valid certificate. This requires that the server be reachable on all the domains specified by this property, and that it has been configured to listen on the standard HTTPS port of 443.

An example might be:

$ iotstore server --addr=:443


Implementation of Twirp interface for the DECODE encrypted datastore







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