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Energy-Server: Domestic Energy Monitoring System - Server

This is the central server of the distributed domestic energy collection system used to collect the DEDDIAG dataset.

For a general overview of the Domestic Energy Monitoring System see

The system was tested on Ubuntu Server, but will run on every linux distribution with Docker and Docker Compose installed. Instructions how to install Docker on Ubuntu Server:

The system follows a client-server architecture where each client independently uploads measurements to the server using an encrypted ssh connection. Client authenticate using public-key authentication.

See bbox for client installation.

The energy-server provides a responsive UI that shows an overview of all houses, appliances as well as charts and an online annotation tool.

Houses Overview Appliances
House Details Charts Annotation Tool


  1. Clone this repository to a desired location on the server e.g. /opt/energy-server and change directory into it.
  2. The HTTP Server is password protected using Basic Authentication Create a .htpasswd using one of the following commands:
    • htpasswd -c .htpasswd user
    • printf user:$(openssl passwd -crypt password)\n > .htpasswd
  3. Create dummy SSL certificates docker-compose up certs
  4. Start frontend/nginx docker-compose up -d nginx
  5. Create signed certificates docker-compose up certs
  6. Reload frontend/nginx docker-compose exec nginx nginx -s reload
  7. Start full system docker-compose up
  8. Add cronjob in order to import data hourly: sudo crontab -e
    10 * * * * root /usr/bin/docker-compose -f /path/to/energy-server/docker-compose.yml exec psql /home/

Add Houses

New houses have to be added to ./volume/home/users.conf as house-name, public-ssh-key. The client keys are shown during the installation process of bbox or can be found in /home/pirate/.ssh/

house0001, ssh-rsa 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
house0002, ssh-rsa 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

IMPORTANT: Keep a blank line at the end of the file.


docker-compose up

You may access the UI using https://<SERVER-IP>.


When using the system in academic work please cite this paper as the reference.

  author = {Marc Wenninger and Andreas Maier and Jochen Schmidt},
  title = {{DEDDIAG}, a domestic electricity demand dataset of individual appliances in Germany},
  year = {2021},
  month = jul,
  volume = {8},
  number = {1},
  journal = {Scientific Data},
  doi = {},
  url = {},


The monitoring system and dataset were created as part of a research project of the Technical University of Applied Sciences Rosenheim.

The project was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), grant 01LY1506, and supported by the Bayerische Wissenschaftsforum (BayWISS).


This software is MIT licensed, as found in the LICENSE file.