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Defra Logging Metrics

This Defra Common Platform npm package provides a library to measure the duration of functions execution and log them into Azure Application Insights as custom metrics with optional custom dimensions.

Run tests

npm install
npm test

Use the package from npm

  1. Install the package

    npm install @defra/logging-metrics --save
  2. Import the module in your script

    import MetricsService from '@defra/logging-metrics'
  3. Initialize the metrics service

    let metricsService = new MetricsService()
  4. If you are already running application insights and already have a TelemetryClient configured in your application, you can create the metrics service and pass the telemetry client to the constructor:

    let metricsService = new MetricsService(telemetryClient)

    Alternatively you can create a new telemetry client and provide the configuration with a connection string and any other configuration options you wish e.g.:

    let telemetryClientConfig = {
       connectionString: "InstrumentationKey=myKey;IngestionEndpoint=;LiveEndpoint=",
       samplingPercentage: 100
    let { duration, result } = metricsService.execute(myFunction, metric, telemetryClientConfig)

    If you don't provide a telemetry client in the constructor and you don't provide a telemetry client configuration, a new telemetry client will be created by reading the connection string from the APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING environment variable.

  5. Name the metric you want to log with along with any other custom properties to be recorded e.g.:

    let metric = {
       name: "timeToCallDatabase",
       properties: { source: "CosmosDB" }
  6. Execute your function via one of the following methods, providing the config and metric from the previous steps along with the function you want to call and measure:

    • If your function does not return any kind of Promise:
    let { duration, result } = metricsService.execute(myFunction, metric, config)
    console.log(`Took ${duration} seconds for ${result}`)
    • If your function returns a Promise:
    metricsService.executeAsync(asyncFunction, metric, config)
    .then(({ result, duration }) => {
       console.log(`Took ${duration} seconds for ${result}`)
    • If you need to use a Promise.all()-like behavior and record each function call:
    metricsService.executeAllFailFastAsync(() => [asyncFunction1, asyncFunction2], metric, config)
    .then(({ results, durations }) => {
       results.forEach((result, i) => {
          console.log(`Took ${durations[i]} seconds for ${result}`)
    • If you need to use a Promise.allSettled()-like behavior and record each function call:
    metricsService.executeAllAsync(() => [asyncFunction1, asyncFunction2], metric, config)
    .then(({ results, durations }) => {
       results.forEach((result, i) => {
          console.log(`Took ${durations[i]} seconds for ${result}`)
  7. As advised in Application Insights documentation:

    If your application has a short lifespan, such as a CLI tool, it might be necessary to manually flush your buffered telemetry [...]

    Flush is supported by calling metricsService.flushClient()

  8. If you wish to further use, configure or access the Microsoft Azure Application Insights TelemetryClient within the metrics service, it can be accessed through the metricsService.telemetryClient variable

Full example

A full example can be found here.


Provides a library to measure the duration of functions execution and log them into Azure Application Insights as custom metrics with optional custom dimensions







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