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As the gem is a dependency in a number of services we build and deploy it to Rubygems so we can properly version it, and the dependent services can manage which versions they take.

This means as changes are made, we will also need to update the version of the gem published to Rubygems. The following outlines the steps to take.

Decide on the version

Assuming changes have been made to the project, the first step is deciding when to cut a new release. This will determine the version number assigned because as best as we can, we try to follow Semver.


  • breaking changes to the API should result in a MAJOR version change
  • adding new functionality, major changes to dependencies, or large scale housekeeping overhauls should result in a MINOR version change
  • fixes, minor changes to dependencies, and minor housekeeping tasks should result in a PATCH version change

Update version.rb

Update lib/quke/demo_app/version.rb to match the version number you intend to release with.

module Quke
  module DemoApp
    VERSION = "0.1.0"

Commit the change and push to master. We don't create a PR for this as we rely on PR's to provide the content for our CHANGELOG, so this would just make for a redundant entry.

Tag the repo

Assuming that has built successfully in Travis, then tag the repo and push the new tag

git tag -a v0.1.0 -m "Version 0.1.0"
git push origin v0.1.0

Travis-CI is automatically configured to build and deploy the updated gem to Rubygems when it sees a new tag pushed. It will only succeed though if the new version does not match one that has already been published to Rubygems.

Hence it's important to update the version.rb before creating and pushing the new tag.


With the new version published we can update the CHANGELOG. This is automatically done via a rake task.

bundle exec rake changelog

Commit the changes to and push to master. Again like the version change we don't create a PR for this as we don't want PR's for updating the CHANGELOG becoming noise in its content.

Publish release

In GitHub select the releases page for the project, then click 'Draft a new release'. Select the version tag we've just released, leave target as master, and set the release title as Version #.#.#. In the description simply copy the content from the CHANGELOG for the release.

# v0.1.0 (2019-04-03)

[Full changelog](

## Merged pull requests:

- Add CLI support to the project #12 (Cruikshanks)
- Move Runner to DemoApp and fix exe #11 (Cruikshanks)

Save the changes and you're done.