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Deviant edited this page Dec 11, 2023 · 2 revisions


Pickle - an argument that allows you to save assemblies and use them in the future, it also reduces the time spent on generating cards.

How to use:

from enkacard import encbanner
import asyncio

pick = {
    "size": False,
    "get_characters": False,
    "add_characters": False,
    "add_generate": False,
    "get_generate": False

async def card():
    async with encbanner.ENC(uid = "811455610", pickle = pick) as encard:
        return await encard.creat()

result = 

Description of values:

Values Description
size Print the file size to the
console or return pickle_size as a result
get_characters Get information about saved characters
add_characters Add/Update information about characters
get_generate Returns a previously generated card for a given character
add_generate Add/Update if the last card in pickle has expired


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