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A library built on top of accessible-autocomplete from GovUk.

It can benefit more if you have a rich data where you can match the autocomplete results with synonyms and also ignoring stopwords so it can benefit for more accuracy.


Ruby Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile (currently not on Rubygems yet):

gem 'dfe-autocomplete', require: 'dfe/autocomplete', github: 'DFE-Digital/dfe-autocomplete'

And then execute:

$ bundle


You might get an error when running tests in CI that looks like this:

NameError: uninitialized constant Dfe::Autocomplete::View

Note the Dfe which is incorrectly capitalised. This is likely related to the inflector.

One way to fix it is to specify a new acronym in an initializer, e.g. in config/initializers/inflections.rb:

ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections(:en) do |inflect|
  inflect.acronym "DfE"

NPM package

Add this line to your application's package.json (currently not on NPM yet):

  "dependencies": {
    "dfe-autocomplete": "github:DFE-Digital/dfe-autocomplete"

Rails usage

An example of data of the autocomplete, given we have an object called Institution:

  class Institution
    include ActiveModel::Model
    attr_accessor :name, :synonyms, :match_synonyms

And the form object to make the user type an institution:

  class InstitutionForm
    include ActiveModel::Model
    attr_accessor :institution_name, :institution_name_raw

And we have an array of institutions in any controller:

  class SomeController < ApplicationController
    def index
      @institution_form =
      @institutions = [
          name: 'University of Oxford',
          synonyms: ['Westminster College'],
          match_synonyms: ['The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Oxford']

Then the module DfE::Autocomplete::ApplicationHelper is included in application_helper.rb:

  module ApplicationHelper
    include DfE::Autocomplete::ApplicationHelper

Then we can output the HTML required for the JS to work using the gem component DfE::Autocomplete::View and the gem helper dfe_autocomplete_options:

   <% form_with model: @institution_form do |f| %>
     <%= render
      attribute_name: :institution_name,
      form_field: f.govuk_select(
          dfe_autocomplete_options(@institutions, synonyms_fields: %i[suggestion_synonyms match_synonyms]),
    ) %>
  <% end %>

The helper dfe_autocomplete_options assumes that the elements in the collection respond to the method name. If the element responds to value that will be used as the value of the <option> HTML element. If the element responds to synonyms that will be included in the synonyms list automatically. If you want to pass other methods that are synonyms you can include as the example above suggestion_synonyms match_synonyms. If you need to append any data to the results you can use the append option. There is also the boost option.


import dfeAutocomplete from "dfe-autocomplete";


Supported options:

  • trackerObject: A tracker object that responds to 'trackSearch' and 'sendTrackingEvent' functions
  • minLength: The minimum number of characters that should be entered before the autocomplete will attempt to suggest options. When the query length is under this, the aria status region will also provide helpful text to the user informing them they should type in more.
  • rawAttribute: the second parameter that will be sent when user submits the form. This is useful when the user types free text instead of choosing any element in the collection.

Plus all the other options from the upstream autocomplete:


You need to import it using Sass:

@import "dfe-autocomplete/src/dfe-autocomplete";


Run the npm run compile and commit the resulting dist folder:

npm run build
