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Technical ‐ Sandbox Options

DFJacob edited this page May 21, 2024 · 5 revisions

Refer to SandboxSettings.ini for how to format the file.

Refer to Launch Parameters on how to override the ini file location.

List of Options



If true, resources will spontaneously respawn around the Facility. This will not respawn Furniture, however. This is a good setting for public servers, but can cause objects to intersect or float, and will make some resource gathering aspects of the game less important and very unbalanced.

Default Value: False


By default, power in the Facility is shut off at night, including power sockets. By setting this value to false, the game will become much easier as things like Batteries will not be required. Setting this false may also be required if the Day Night Cycle is set to Night Only.

Default Value: True


This setting will allow you to disable the Day Night Cycle. Time will continue to pass as normal, but there will be no transition from day to night or night to day. As some things only happen during day or night, this may cause unforseen consequences, such as an inability to acquire certain items. Change at your own risk.

Default Value: 0


  • 0 - Normal
  • 1 - Always Day
  • 2 - Always Night


Speed multiplier for the Day and Night cycle. A higher number will make clock time pass faster. This will NOT affect the speed of other cooldowns, respawn times, and so on.

Default Value: 1.0

Minimum Value: 0.1

Maximum Value: 3


In the world, sinks will passively refill over time, allowing players to drink from them. This value adjusts the time this takes. A higher value will make sinks refill more quickly, and a lower value will make them refill more slowly. Setting this value to zero will disable sink refill, making the game much more challenging.

Default Value: 1.0

Minimum Value: 0

Maximum Value: 10.0


This value determines how fast food spoils. By default, most food will eventually decay and turn into rotten food. You can slow, speed up, or stop this function entirely with these options.

Default Value: 1.0

Minimum Value: 0.0

Maximum Value: 2.0


This value determines how effective it is to refrigerate items. This also affects how effective hot items (e.g. a cup of coffee) maintain their heat if they prefer staying warm and are kept in a warm location.

Default Value: 1.0

Minimum Value: 0.0

Maximum Value: 2.0



This value determines how frequently enemies respawn. A lower value will increase enemy respawn timers, whereas a higher value will cause enemies to respawn more quickly than normal.

Default Value: 1.0

Minimum Value: 0.5

Maximum Value: 3


This is a multiplier of enemy health. Lowering this value will make enemies easier to kill, and a higher value will mean enemies will take more damage to kill.

Default Value: 1.0

Minimum Value: 0.75

Maximum Value: 3.0


This value will determine how damaging enemies are, as a multiplier of their damage. The default value is tuned for a fair and balanced experience. Lowering this value will make survivability easier, raising this value will make combat more challenging and enemies more lethal.

Default Value: 1.0

Minimum Value: 0.25

Maximum Value: 3.0


This value will determine how much damage enemies do to deployables, as a multiplier of their damage. Setting this lower will make bases more impervious to enemy attacks. Setting this to zero may cause enemies to get stuck or be unable to threaten player bases properly.

Default Value: 1.0

Minimum Value: 0.1

Maximum Value: 5.0


This multiplier will determine how fast enemies detect players. If set above 1, enemies will detect players faster than normal.

Default Value: 1.0

Minimum Value: 0.1

Maximum Value: 3.0



This value will determine how much damage players do to other players, as a proportion of normal damage. If a weapon deals 10 damage, a value of 10% will mean players receive 1 damage instead. If you want to allow players to engage in player vs. player combat, this value will need to be 100% or higher.

Default Value: 0.5

Minimum Value: 0.0

Maximum Value: 3.0


This value is a multiplier and determines how fast Hunger increases. A higher number will mean players need to eat more often.

Default Value: 1.0

Minimum Value: 0.0

Maximum Value: 2.0


This value is a multiplier and determines how fast Thirst increases. A higher number will mean players need to drink more often.

Default Value: 1.0

Minimum Value: 0.0

Maximum Value: 2.0


This value is a multiplier and determines how fast Fatigue increases. A higher number will mean players get sleepier more quickly.en.

Default Value: 1.0

Minimum Value: 0.0

Maximum Value: 2.0


This value is a multiplier and determines how fast Continence drains. A higher number will mean players have to use the toilet more often.

Default Value: 1.0

Minimum Value: 0.0

Maximum Value: 2.0


This value is a multiplier and determines how fast XP is gained by players. Above 1 will cause XP to be gained at a higher rate, while below 1 will cause XP to be gained slower. Setting this to 0 will disable the ability for players to level up skills at all.

Default Value: 1.0

Minimum Value: 0.0

Maximum Value: 3


This is a multiplier of how many times you can stack items in an inventory slot. Items that are not stackable are excluded from this. If an item stacks to 5 by default, a value of 2 will allow the item to stack up to 10.

Default Value: 1.0

Minimum Value: 1.0

Maximum Value: 30


This is a multiplier affecting how heavy items are in your inventory. If an item normally weighs 5, a value of 2 would make that item weigh 10, or twice as heavy. If you want items to be lighter, set this value lower than 1.

Default Value: 1.0

Minimum Value: 0.0

Maximum Value: 5.0


This is a multiplier for item durability. If an item normally has 10 Durability, a value of 2 would make that item have 20 Durability, or double durability. If you want items to break faster, set this value below 1.

Default Value: 1.0

Minimum Value: 0.1

Maximum Value: 10.0


This value will determine how much durability is lost on weapons and items in the player's inventory when respawning.

Default Value: 0.1

Minimum Value: 0.0

Maximum Value: 1.0


If false, players will not be notified when someone is killed by something.

Default Value: True


If false, this will disable the ability to share item recipes with other players.

Default Value: True


If false, Pagers will not be useable in inventory or via the emote wheel. Setting this to false will make it harder to find other players.

Default Value: True


If false, players will be unable to transmogrify their armor to look like other pieces of armor using a certain piece of base equipment. This will limit customization but will not allow players to disguise their equipment as different equipment.

Default Value: True


If true, this will remove the Research Minigames when unlocking new recipes and simply unlock the recipe right away.

Default Value: False


This will determine what penalties the player receives for respawning after death (or by using the Unstick option.)

Default Value: 1


  • 0 - Keep All Items
  • 1 - Keep Equipped Items & Hotbar
  • 2 - Keep Hotbar Only
  • 3 - Keep Equipped Items Only
  • 4 - Lose All Items Including Hotbar
  • 5 - All Items Are Destroyed

GlobalRecipeUnlocks - // NOT IMPLEMENTED YET //

When true, all players will share the same recipe list instead of unlocking recipes individually.

Default Value: False


When spawning into the world for the first time, this is the weapon players will receive. This is in addition to starting items from their selected Job.

Default Value: 0


  • 0 - None
  • 1 - Shiv
  • 2 - Desk Leg
  • 3 - Kitchen Knife
  • 4 - Starter Baton
  • 5 - Pipe Club
  • 6 - Random