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File metadata and controls

72 lines (56 loc) · 3.02 KB


This package contains launch and config files to start the most important systems on the real mobipick robot. After running the launch files from this repository as described below, you should have the following capabilities set up:

  • Connection to the MIR base, allowing you to drive around using move_base
  • Drivers for the UR5, the gripper, the force torque sensor, the Astra camera and the pico flexx camera on the gripper are running
  • A move_group is running and configured correctly. You should be able to plan and execute trajectories through rviz motion planning plugin.

This package does not provide any other demo capabilities. For high level planning, environment representation etc, take a look at pbr_mobipick_demo from which you can run the mobipick_ico_real.launch instead of mobipick_bringup_both.launch, and autonomy.launch to run environment representation, task planning and object recognition.


mobipick_bringup.launch needs to be started on the mobipick-os-sensor pc. It loads the URDF model of the robot, creates the connection to the MIR base and starts camera drivers.

Using the namespace and tf_prefix arguments you can select the prefixes for all nodes and tf frames. TF frames are changed without using the tf_prefix-rosparam (since it is deprecated), but by passing its value to xacro, to prefix the robot joints in the robot_description, and to several config files.

mobipick_bringup_control.launch needs to be started on the mobipick-os-control pc. It creates the connection to the UR5, the robotiq gripper and force torque sensor. Both the grippers and the force torque sensors serial cables are led into the UR control box, where their are connected to the power supply, but their data lines are converted to USB there and must be connected to the mobipick-os-control pc. Make sure that the matching of device to usb2serial-converter is not messed up, as the udev-rules on the control pc detect the converters, not the devices. Else you might end up addressing the gripper as /dev/ft_sensor instead of /dev/gripper, and vice versa.

mobipick_bringup_both.launch wraps both steps above into one single launch file. Start this from the mobipick-os-sensor pc and it will automatically run mobipick_bringup_control.launch on the mobipick-os-control pc.

Running the demos

After starting mobipick_bringup_both.launch as described above, you can start one of the following demos. These are mostly identical to the simulation demos described in the top-level

Simple state machine pick-and-place and move_base demo:

roslaunch pbr_dope dope.launch
roslaunch mobipick_pick_n_place mobipick_pick_n_place.launch
rosservice call /mobipick/continue_statemachine

Same, but with a behavior tree instead:

roslaunch pbr_dope dope.launch
roslaunch mobipick_pick_n_place mobipick_pick_n_place_bt.launch

Ultra-simple demo with hard-coded navigation targets and arm movements:

ROS_NAMESPACE=mobipick rosrun pbr_mobipick_demo