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This High-Accuracy Digital Temperature Sensor has fully-calibrated and linearized digital output and wide supply voltage range from 2.15V to 5.5V. It offers a temperature accuracy of ± 0.1 C°. Its functionality includes enhanced signal processing, two distinctive and user-selectable I2C addresses, communication speeds of up to 1MHz, very fast start-up and measurement time, small 8pin DFN package and NIST traceability.


SKU: SEN0434

Table of Contents


  • Get the real-time temperature
  • Set measurement mode
  • Get the sensor status


Download the library file before use, paste it into the \Arduino\libraries directory, then open the sample folder and run the demo in the folder.


   * @fn begin
   * @brief Init chip 
   * @return True means I2C communication succeeds, false means it fails.
  bool begin(void);

   * @fn setRepeat
   * @brief Set repeat measurement rate (mode) of the sensor
   * @n Repeat setting will affect measurement duration and thereby impact the overall power consumption.
   * @param code: Select eHigh, eMedium and eLow mode in the enumeration variable eCode_t
   * @return None
  void setRepeat(eCode_t code);

   * @fn setStretch
   * @brief Set clock stretching. After enabling clock stretching, it won’t send NAK when the measurement is not done; it will send data to complete the unfinished measurement command until the measurement is done.
   * @param clockStretch: Whether to turn on clock stretching, true for on, false for off
   * @return None
  void setStretch(bool clockStretch);

   * @fn setFreq
   * @brief Set measurement frequency, enable period measurement mode of the sensor (set measurement frequency is equivalent to send the command of enabling period measurement mode)
   * @param freq: Select e2S, e1Hz, e2Hz, e4Hz and e10Hz mode in the enumeration variable eFreq_t
   * @return None
  void setFreq(eFreq_t freq);

   * @fn setHeaterOn
   * @brief Turn on the heater 
   * @return None
  void setHeaterOn(void);

   * @fn setHeaterOff
   * @brief Turn off the heater 
   * @return None
  void setHeaterOff(void);

   * @fn breakSensor
   * @brief Break the ongoing work of the sensor, force it to enter into idle mode
   * @return None
  void breakSensor(void);

   * @fn resetSensor
   * @brief Reset setting to default 
   * @return None
  void resetSensor(void);

   * @fn getStatus
   * @brief Get and save the current status of sensor
   * @n Every once in a while, you need to call this interface before using other API to get the current status of the sensor
   * @return None
  void getStatus(void);

   * @fn checkSumStatus
   * @brief Get checksum status
   * @return true: checksum of last write transfer was correct
   * @n      false: checksum of last write transfer failed
  bool checkSumStatus(void);

   * @fn commandStatus
   * @brief Get command status
   * @return true: last command executed successfully
   * @n      false: last command not processed.
  bool commandStatus(void);

   * @fn systemResetDetected
   * @brief Detect whether the system is reset
   * @return true: no reset detected since last 'clear status register' command
   * @n      false: reset detected (hard reset, soft reset command or supply fail)
  bool systemResetDetected(void);

   * @fn tempTrackingAlert
   * @brief Temp tracking alert
   * @return true: no alert
   * @n      false: alert
  bool tempTrackingAlert(void);

   * @fn heaterStatus
   * @brief Get heater status
   * @return true: Heater OFF
   * @n      false: Heater ON
  bool heaterStatus(void);

   * @fn alertPendingStatus
   * @brief Get alert pending status
   * @return true: no pending alerts
   * @n      false: at least one pending alert
  bool alertPendingStatus(void);

   * @fn getTemperatureSingleC
   * @brief Under single measurement mode, get the current temp, note: ensure the sensor is in idle mode, calling related api: breakSensor()
   * @return The measured temp data under single measurement mode, unit: ℃
  float  getTemperatureSingleC(void);

   * @fn getTemperaturePeriodC
   * @brief Under period measurement mode, get the current temp, note: set the sampling frequency in advance, calling related api: setFreq(eFreq_t freq)
   * @return The measured temp data under period measurement mode, unit: ℃
  float getTemperaturePeriodC(void);


MCU Work Well Work Wrong Untested Remarks
Arduino Uno
Arduino MEGA2560
Arduino Leonardo


  • 2021/09/01 - Version 1.0.0 released.
  • 2021/12/30 - Version 1.0.1 released.
  • 2022/04/20 - Version 1.0.2 released.


Written by(, 2022. (Welcome to our website)