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This is an implementation of accelerating distributed database transactions using eBPF, as described in the paper DINT: Fast In-Kernel Distributed Transactions with eBPF from NSDI 2024.


  • caladan/ contains the source code of Caladan [OSDI '20].
  • exp/ contains experiment scripts.


  • lock_2pl/ contains the code for the lock server and client (only with Caladan) running the two-phase locking protocol.
  • lock_fasst/ contains the code for the lock server and client running the FaSST protocol.
  • log_server/ contains the code for the log server and client.
  • store/ contains the code for the key-value store server and client.

In these microbenchmarks, servers are implemented with UDP, Caladan, eBPF for evaluation, while clients are only implemented with Caladan. We also have a write-through eBPF key-value store server and a write-back one without bloom filters, for ablation testing.

Transaction workloads

  • smallbank/ contains the code for the server and client of Smallbank (see section III of this paper).
  • tatp/ contains the code for the server and client of TATP.

We have in addition a DPDK server for TATP to compare its performance with eBPF.


We did our experiment in Cloudlab by using the r650 machines from Clemson. The initial Disk Image is UBUNTU20-64-STD.

Kernel version

We use kernel version 5.8.0 for Caladan and DPDK code, and 6.1.0 for eBPF and UDP code. Please update the kernel for each machine:

  sudo bash -i [5.8.0|6.1.0]
  sudo reboot

You can check your kernel version by uname -r. After rebooting, the result should be 5.8.0-050800-generic or 6.1.0-060100-generic.

In one experiment, all machines don't necessarily have the same kernel version. For instance, we have 3 servers and 10 clients when testing the TATP eBPF server. The servers are in eBPF, therefore should run kernel 6.1.0, while the clients are written with Caladan and should run kernel 5.8.0. Please refer to the paper for experimental settings.

Setting up machines

Run the following to setup the machine and install the required packages.

  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa -y
  sudo apt update

  sudo apt install gpg curl tar xz-utils flex bison libssl-dev libelf-dev libnuma-dev -y
  sudo apt install make gcc cmake meson llvm-9 clang-9 python3-pyelftools -y

  chmod +x
  sudo ./ 16

We recommend cloning this repo into ~/dev/ to use our scripts for experiments. To avoid running out of storage, run the following to mount the device /dev/sda4 onto ~/dev/ .

  sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sda4
  sudo mount /dev/sda4 ~/dev
  sudo chown [username] ~/dev

Remember to remount each time the machine reboots.

We provided a script, (as follows), to configure the NIC (disable adaptive batching and irqbalance, and setup IR queue mapping). It is integrated in our experiment scripts so you don't need to run it.


  sudo ifconfig ens2f0np0 mtu 3000 up
  sudo ethtool -C ens2f0np0 adaptive-rx off adaptive-tx off rx-usecs 0 rx-frames 1 tx-usecs 0 tx-frames 1
  sudo ethtool -C ens2f0np0 adaptive-rx off adaptive-tx off rx-usecs 0 rx-frames 1 tx-usecs 0 tx-frames 1
  sudo service irqbalance stop

  sudo ethtool -N ens2f0np0 rx-flow-hash udp4 sdfn
  sudo ethtool -L ens2f0np0 combined $ncpu

  (let cnt=0; cd /sys/class/net/ens2f0np0/device/msi_irqs/;
    for IRQ in *; do
      let CPU=$((cnt*2+3))
      let cnt=$(((cnt+1)%ncpu))
      echo $IRQ '->' $CPU
      echo $CPU | sudo tee /proc/irq/$IRQ/smp_affinity_list > /dev/null

Before running the TATP DPDK experiment, you should setup r650's Mellanox NIC for DPDK by installing the DPDK driver, as follows.

  tar -xvzf MLNX_OFED_LINUX-4.9-
  sudo ./mlnxofedinstall --upstream-libs --dpdk
  sudo /etc/init.d/openibd restart
  sudo reboot



To build eBPF code within directory foo/ebpf/, run the following from root of this repo.

  ./ foo 6.1
  ./ foo 6.1
  make -C foo/ebpf -j

For example, to build the eBPF code for SmallBank, run the following.

  ./ smallbank 6.1
  ./ smallbank 6.1
  make -C smallbank/ebpf -j


To build UDP code within foo/udp/, run the following.

  make -C foo/udp -j

Caladan and DPDK

First build Caladan and its submodules (and set up huge pages) by running the script in the root of this repo.

After that, run the following to build Caladan or DPDK code within foo/caladan or foo/dpdk.

  make -C foo/[caladan|dpdk] -j

Generating traces

Microbenchmark clients depend on traces generated before running. To generate traces, run the following on each client machine.

  pushd lock_2pl/caladan && ./ 24000000 0.8 4800 && popd
  pushd lock_fasst/caladan && ./ 24000000 0.8 4800 && popd
  pushd log_server/caladan && ./ 4800 && popd

Caladan config files

Caladan clients need config files to run correctly, and we provided templates in each caladan code subdirectory (e.g. lock_2pl/caladan/client.config). Refer to Caladan for more information.

Please add necessary static ARP entries. For microbenchmarks we have only 1 server, so a single entry for should be added to all clients. For transaction workloads we have 3 servers, so ARP entries for,, and are needed.

Remember to set proper number of cores for the runtime_kthreads, runtime_spinning_kthreads and runtime_guaranteed_kthreads fields. Typically, we use 8 cores for servers and 64 for clients. Please refer to the paper for details.

Running microbenchmarks

After setting up all machines, building binaries, generating traces and writing config files, edit the hostnames in exp/, exp/, exp/, exp/ and exp/ We provided a exp/ utility to conveniently terminate all running experiments. The hostnames in it also need editing.

Then, simply run the following from exp/ and wait for the results in exp/results/. A single run takes around 1 hour.

  nohup ./ &

Running Smallbank and TATP

Similar to microbenchmarks, you should edit the hostnames in exp/, exp/, exp/, exp/, exp/, exp/ Run the following after that and wait for the results in exp/results/.

  nohup ./run_[smallbank|tatp] &


eBPF and caladan tests use different kernel versions, so you should run them separately by commenting out parts of exp/, exp/ or exp/


[NSDI '24] DINT: Fast In-Kernel Distributed Transactions with eBPF







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