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Vetle444 edited this page Jan 16, 2024 · 8 revisions

StateView Control

The StateView control is designed to dynamically load different views. A StateViewModel is given to consumers for configuration of the StateView which includes a CurrentState property which is an enum. The available states include:

  • Default: The default state. (ContentProperty)
  • Loading: Indicates a loading state.
  • Error: Represents an error state.
  • Empty: Denotes an empty state.


  • Dynamic State Handling: The control dynamically switches between different views based on CurrentState property in StateViewModel.

  • StateView Customization: Consumers have the flexibility to configure each state's view individually.

  • Default Implementation: Users can utilize the default implementation if consumers have not overridden the state views. They are located here: Implementations

  • StateViewModel Configuration: The StateViewModel bindable property allows configuration of the default state views. This is a OneWay, which means that you must create the StateViewModel in your viewmodel and bind it to StateView

  • Animations: The StateView can be configured to fade between the different states. If ShouldUpdateViewWhenStateSetToSameproperty is set to true, the content of StateView will be set to the same view that is already visible, this can be useful if animations are enabled, so that a "refresh effect" is apparent.

  • Dynamic RefreshView: To use RefreshView together with the views, there is a property HasRefreshView, in StateViewModel's Error, Default and Empty properties. By setting the property true, StateView will automatically wrap the view with a RefreshView. This RefreshView is bound to RefreshCommand and IsRefreshing properties in StateViewModel.


To use the StateView control, bind the StateViewModel property to a StateViewModel created in your viewmodel. In StateViewModel's constructor you can define its starting state.

If the StateViewModel property has not been set a Label will appear explaining that the StateViewModel has not been set.


In the example below, we have bound the MyStateViewModel to the StateViewModel property on StateView. Here we set the starting state state to Loading. Later the state will be set to either Default or Error state depending on if something went wrong.

public StateViewModel MyStateViewModel {get;set;} = new StateViewModel(State.Loading);

private async Task Initialize()
        await m_service.LoadList();
        MyStateViewModel.CurrentState = State.Default;
    catch(Exception e)
        MyStateViewModel.Error.Title = "Something went wrong";
        MyStateViewModel.Error.Description = e.Exception.ToString();
        MyStateViewModel.CurrentState = State.Error;

In the example below, the control will load the specified views based on the CurrentState property of MyStateViewModel. If consumers have not overridden the state views, it will use the default implementations. In this example we only override the LoadingView, but every view can be overriden.

<dui:StateView StateViewModel="{Binding MyStateViewModel}">
    <!-- Users can utilize the default implementation or override state views as needed -->
        <dui:Label Text="Loading..." />

    <dui:Label Text="This is the default view!" />


In the example below, we have signaled that a RefreshView should wrap around our default view, and when the RefreshView is refreshed, we should refresh the data.


<dui:StateView StateViewModel="{Binding MyStateViewModel}">
    <!-- Users can utilize the default implementation or override state views as needed -->

    <dui:CollectionView ItemsSource="{Binding Data}" />



public LoadingPageViewModel()
    StateViewModel.Default.HasRefreshView = true;
    StateViewModel.RefreshCommand = new Command(() => _ = Refresh());

private async Task Refresh()
    // Get the data
    await Task.Delay(1000);

    Data = new List<Data>(response);

    StateViewModel.IsRefreshing = false;

public StateViewModel MyStateViewModel { get; } = new(State.Loading);

public List<Data> Data 
    get => m_data
    private set => RaiseWhenSet(ref m_data, value);


On Android we have observed that wrapping the StateView around a RefreshView will not show the content:

<dui:StateView StateViewModel="{Binding MyStateViewModel}">
        <dui:Label Text="This is my default view!">

To work around this issue you can instead do as the example just above.

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