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nikalc edited this page May 19, 2021 · 23 revisions

Welcome to SmartRover wiki

SmartRover Project

The SmartRover is an open source project that is revised and based on the SmartCar project in so far as providing open source software and hardware components accompanied by integrated libraries for optimal usage. In contrast to the SmartCar project which provides a terrain and a miniature vehicle the SmartRover is further developed and customised to explore and accomplish mission tasks on a martian terrain. The project is designed to resemble and offer a close to real-life experience on how a martian exploration could be whilst providing leeway for the user in terms of having mission tasks and functionalities at their disposal.


Mars has captivated humans interest since we first set an eye to the star-like object in the night sky. Setting itself apart from its shimmering siblings, each compelling in its own way. Prior to technologies unimpeded advancements telescopes were the only means of getting a glimpse of the reddish planet and its intriguing features. Up until now. With our customised martian terrain and fully equipped SmartRover users will be ready to explore a martian terrain and get to experience what was previously restricted to only scientist. Therefor our motivation is to offer a close to real-life experience of what it would look and feel like to experience the mystical and foreign planet Mars.

Set up guide