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Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Product Spec
  3. Wireframes
  4. Schema
  5. Milestone 1: Creating User Interface
  6. Milestone 2: Displaying Data
  7. Milestone 3: Viewing Website
  8. Milestone 4: Directions and Location Access Denial



Find my vaccine is an app that allows users to browse for Covid-19 vaccination locations. With the app, users can look for a Covid vaccination location near their living areas.

App Evaluation

[Evaluation of your app across the following attributes]

  • Category: Health app
  • Mobile: This app will be developed for IOS devices' users
  • Story: Users find Covid-19 vaccination locations, and use GPS to navigate to that locations.
  • Market: Any eligible individuals who are looking to get a vaccine.
  • Habit: Users would need this when they are going through the vaccination process
  • Scope: Shown locations depend on availability of vaccines at each site. This app can find nearby locations or sites near any specified zipcode.

Product Spec

1. User Stories (Required and Optional)

Required Must-have Stories

  • Having a "Detail Screen"
  • Displaying a list of locations
  • Providing an url to location's website
  • Set default location for users who deny location access

Optional Nice-to-have Stories

  • Find location within a specific range (zipcode, current locations, etc...)
  • Provide GPS for user to navigate to vaccine locations
  • User can see a list of as many nearby locations as possible with an infinite scroll

2. Screen Archetypes

  • Location Details Screen

    • Showing location information.
  • Map Screen

    • Displaying available locations on a map.

3. Navigation

Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)

  • Location Details Screen
  • Map Screen

Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)

  • Location -> Location Details Screenf
  • Map -> Map screen






Property Type Description
name String Name of the location
address String Address of vaccine site
vaccineType String Types of vaccine offered
vaccineStatus boolean Whether vaccine is available


We are only using Existing API to get data. Please see the next section.

OPTIONAL: List endpoints if using existing API

  • Vaccine API

Base URL -

HTTP Verb Endpoint Description
GET /FeatureCollection/1/Features gets all vaccination sites (known as features) and their information
GET /Featurecollection/1/Features?appointments_available=true gets all vaccination sites where appointments are available

Milestone 1: Creating User Interface

Adding App Icon

Creating Location Detail Screen

  • The location detail screen consists of three main information: provider name, appointment status, and address.

Video Walkthrough

Creating Map View

  • From location detail screen, user can see the location on a map in map view screen.

Video Walkthrough

Milestone 2: Displaying Data

Pin locations on Map View

Video Walkthrough

Displaying Location Detail

Video Walkthrough

Milestone 3: Viewing Website

Open vaccine centers' websites

Video Walkthrough

Milestone 4: Directions and Location Access Denial

Getting directions with Apple maps

Getting directions with Apple maps

Set default location to L.A. if user denies location access


No description, website, or topics provided.






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