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Reads images of receipts and creates a JSON file of the aggregation of the data (title, date, total). A JSON of rules.json can be used to override values for a specific filename.

Development Environment

  1. In env folder, create a docker image of the environment by running
docker build . -t rr

Note: if you plan on pushing commits to the remote from inside the docker environment, then you'll need to copy your .ssh files into your docker envrionment.

  • Generating a new SSH key
  • Adding a new SSH key to your GitHub account You'll then have to copy your private .ssh key (id_ed25519) and known_hosts to env/.ssh. See the Dockerfile for details. Comment this section out of the Dockerfile if you don't care to add this functionality or you want to use another method (E.G.: generate keys from within the container.)
  1. Create an interactive container of the image:
docker run -it -v C:\Users\okina\receiptReader\:/receiptReader --name rrenv receipt_reader_devenv

You can close/open this container and attach to it using VSCode's Attach to Running Container command.

Production Environment

1. Build Image

docker build . -t rr_p

2. Run Container

docker run --rm --name receipt_reader

OpenCV Management Ideas:

  1. Submodule
    • seems to slow down git in docker environment
  2. apt-install
      • apt install libopencv-dev python3-opencv
    • (-) windows VSCode will think there are errors
      • solution: make script to copy from container filesystem to shared dir
    • (-) cmake variables will not be able to be passed to external build
      • solution: minimal factor: openCV doesn't seem to get configured much
  3. add in a .gitignored folder (extern)
    • must manually acquire extern copy
    • (-) building openCV will probably take several hours

OpenCV Resources:

Class responsibilities

manager : generate data output from filenames receiptFactory : generate appropriate receipt objects as interface class objects receiptRaw : generate raw data table from OCR of filename receiptParser : parse text from receiptRaw and put it into class data receiptProcessor : generate processed data table from parsed data + rules

Class Diagram

class manager{
  +manager(vector~fileNames~, string options)
  +genOutString() string

receiptFactory_i <|-- receiptFactory
class receiptFactory_i{
  +createReceiptRaw(string fileName)* receiptRaw_i
  +createReceiptParser(string rawText)* receipParser_i
  +createReceiptProcessor(string fileName, string rawData, string rulesText)* receiptProcessor_i
class receiptFactory{
  +createReceiptRaw(string fileName) receiptRaw_i
  +createReceiptParser(string rawText) receipParser_i
  +createReceiptProcessor(string fileName, string rawData, string rulesText) receiptProcessor_i
receiptRaw_i <|-- receiptRaw
class receiptRaw_i{
  +string imagePath
  -string rawText
  +receiptRaw_i(string filepath)*
  +getRawText()* string
class receiptRaw{
  +string imagePath
  -string rawText
  +receiptRaw(string filepath)
  +getRawText() string

receiptParser_i <|-- receiptParser
class receiptParser_i{
  -string title
  -time date
  -float total
  +receiptParser_i(string rawText)*
class receiptParser{
  -string title
  -time date
  -float total
  +receiptParser(string rawText)

receiptProcessor_i <|-- receiptProcessor
class receiptProcessor{
  +string imagePath
  -string title
  -time date
  -float total
  +receiptProcessor(string fp, receiptParser_i* rp, string rules)
class receiptProcessor_i{
  +string imagePath
  -string title
  -time date
  -float total
  +receiptProcessor(string fp, receiptParser_i* rp, string rules)*

Sequence Diagram

  main ->> manager: manager(vector<fileNames>, options)
  loop analyze
    manager->>receiptFactory: rr=createReceiptRaw(fileName)
    receiptFactory->>receiptRaw: receiptRaw(fileName)
    manager->>receiptRaw: rawText=rr.getRawText()

    manager->>receiptFactory: parser=createReceiptParser(rawText)
    receiptFactory->>receiptParser: receiptParser(rawText)

    manager->>receiptFactory: createReceiptProcessor(filename, parser, rulesText)
    receiptFactory->>receiptProcessor: (filename, receiptParser, rulesText)
    receiptProcessor->>manager: receiptProcessor
  manager ->> main: manager
  main ->> manager: genOutString()
  loop serialize
    manager ->> receiptProcessor: receiptProcessor.serialize()
    receiptProcessor ->> manager : serialization
  manager ->> main: string of serialization

Design revisions for SOLID:

  • apply abstract factory patterns (useful for unit testing)
  • name a single responsibility for each class (split up current classes)
    • responsibility: reason to change


  1. create basic receipt class with stubbed functions
  2. create manager that communicates with receipt
  3. create interface that works with manager
  4. develop receipt


  • move parsing to a receiptParser class
  • pass parser object to processor to avoid encoding/decoding data and separarate repsonsibilities
  • explicit function calls in sequence diagram


reads receipts







No releases published
