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Bulk Discounts

Name of Contributor & Github Link

Dawson Timmons

Descirption of Project

This project, entitled "Bulk Discounts" is an extention of a previous project named "Little Esty Shop." This is the Turing BE-Mod2, Final Solo Project focusing on designing an e-commerce platform that applies discounts to a specific merchant's items. It's funcitonality would allow merchants as well as admins to manage inventory & fill customers orders.

The project was complete using Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL for the database, Heroku for app deployment to the web, and httparty for the API consumption.

Project Schema


Completed User Stories:

1: Merchant Bulk Discounts Index

As a merchant When I visit my merchant dashboard Then I see a link to view all my discounts When I click this link Then I am taken to my bulk discounts index page Where I see all of my bulk discounts including their percentage discount and quantity thresholds And each bulk discount listed includes a link to its show page

2: Merchant Bulk Discount Create

As a merchant When I visit my bulk discounts index Then I see a link to create a new discount When I click this link Then I am taken to a new page where I see a form to add a new bulk discount When I fill in the form with valid data Then I am redirected back to the bulk discount index And I see my new bulk discount listed

3: Merchant Bulk Discount Delete

As a merchant When I visit my bulk discounts index Then next to each bulk discount I see a link to delete it When I click this link Then I am redirected back to the bulk discounts index page And I no longer see the discount listed

4: Merchant Bulk Discount Show

As a merchant When I visit my bulk discount show page Then I see the bulk discount's quantity threshold and percentage discount

5: Merchant Bulk Discount Edit

As a merchant When I visit my bulk discount show page Then I see a link to edit the bulk discount When I click this link Then I am taken to a new page with a form to edit the discount And I see that the discounts current attributes are pre-poluated in the form When I change any/all of the information and click submit Then I am redirected to the bulk discount's show page And I see that the discount's attributes have been updated

6: Merchant Invoice Show Page: Total Revenue and Discounted Revenue

As a merchant When I visit my merchant invoice show page Then I see the total revenue for my merchant from this invoice (not including discounts) And I see the total discounted revenue for my merchant from this invoice which includes bulk discounts in the calculation

7: Merchant Invoice Show Page: Link to applied discounts

As a merchant When I visit my merchant invoice show page Next to each invoice item I see a link to the show page for the bulk discount that was applied (if any)

8: Admin Invoice Show Page: Total Revenue and Discounted Revenue

As an admin When I visit an admin invoice show page Then I see the total revenue from this invoice (not including discounts) And I see the total discounted revenue from this invoice which includes bulk discounts in the calculation

9: Holidays API

As a merchant When I visit the discounts index page I see a section with a header of "Upcoming Holidays" In this section the name and date of the next 3 upcoming US holidays are listed.

Use the Next Public Holidays Endpoint in the Nager.Date API


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  • Ruby 82.4%
  • HTML 16.8%
  • Other 0.8%