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This module creates the "member" side of Guardduty, with the assumption that there will be a admin_account responsible for sending an invite to the member.


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0.0


Name Version
archive n/a
aws n/a
random n/a


Name Description Type Default Required
admin_account_id GuardDuty Detector ID for master account string n/a yes
alarm_slack_severity Minimum severity level (LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH) string "HIGH" no
alarm_slack_webhook Slack Incoming Web Hook URL. Leave blank to disable alarm to slack string "" no
create_invite_accepter Create GuardDuty Member Invite Accepter. Not needed if already setup as part of an organization bool true no
enable_detector Enable GuardDuty Member Detector bool true no
enabled The boolean flag whether this module is enabled or not. No resources are created when set to false. bool true no
lambda_name Name of the Lambda Function any n/a yes
member_detector_id GuardDuty Detector ID for member account. Only needed if enable_detector is false. Used for targeting any previously enable detector string "" no
nodejs_version Version of Nodejs to create the lambda string "nodejs18.x" no
sns_email_arn SNS Topic ARN string "" no


No output.


Module managed by DNX Solutions.


Apache 2 Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.