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Planning and organizing our work

Erin Elzi edited this page Dec 13, 2023 · 2 revisions

Project Epics

Epics should be used for discrete projects with a start and date that can be adjusted as needed and will likely encompass several sprints. Each Epic should go on the Roadmap. Epics are not for normal site updates and bugs.

Planning Epics

Epics are also used to make 6-8 week work plans with a start and end date and are indicated by dessert names. These Epics should also be shown on the Roadmap found in Zenhub. These Epics contain the goals of the work plans and relevant issues are placed within these epics. Other Epics may be listed under these Epics if they will be completed within the specified time frame.


Try to ensure that Issues are an amount of work that can be completed within a Sprint. Issues should be placed under both project epics and work plan Epics as needed.


Labels are added to Issues to further describe and categorize each Issue. Labels should be used to help organize like Issues and help with work planning.

You'll find some guidance for using labels in various sections of this wiki. You can also look up details on when to apply labels on the Labels page in the Issues section of each repository.

Natural Resources Revenue Data

NRRD product framing


Data overview and uploads

Data checklists and templates

Content guidance

Measurement and evaluation

Open Data, Design, and Development (ODDD) Team Processes

How we work


Design & user research processes

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