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T. Joe Mills committed Aug 9, 2017
2 parents f48141d + f18046b commit b2f03c0
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Showing 34 changed files with 356 additions and 869 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .Rbuildignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,3 +18,4 @@ test_stats_huc12_modeled_performance.R
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# Contributor Code of Conduct

As contributors and maintainers of this project, we pledge to respect all people who
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We are committed to making participation in this project a harassment-free experience for
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sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, or religion.

Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include the use of sexual language or
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Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments,
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This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant
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13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
Package: EflowStats
Type: Package
Title: Returns Hydrologic Indicator stats for a given set of data
Version: 1.0
Date: 2017-04-04
Authors@R: c( person("Joe", "Mills", role = c("aut","cre"),

Title: Hydrologic Indicator and Alteration Stats
Version: 5.0.0
Date: 2017-08-04
Authors@R: c( person("Joe", "Mills", role = c("aut"),
email = ""),
person("David", "Blodgett", role = c("aut"),
person("David", "Blodgett", role = c("aut","cre"),
email = ""))
R (>= 3.3)
Expand All @@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ Suggests:
Description: EflowStats is a reimplementation of the Hydrologic Index Tool
Description: A reimplementation of the Hydrologic Index Tool
(HIT; Henriksen et al, 2006) for calculating 171 hydrologic indices
for stream classification analysis. EflowStats also calculates 7
additional statistics used for streamflow classification reffered
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions EflowStats.Rproj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ AlwaysSaveHistory: Default

EnableCodeIndexing: Yes
UseSpacesForTab: Yes
NumSpacesForTab: 8
NumSpacesForTab: 2
Encoding: UTF-8

RnwWeave: Sweave
Expand All @@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ LaTeX: pdfLaTeX
BuildType: Package
PackageUseDevtools: Yes
PackageInstallArgs: --with-keep.source
PackageRoxygenize: rd,collate,namespace,vignette
PackageRoxygenize: rd,collate,namespace
10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion R/00_EflowStats.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,10 +21,18 @@ month_val <- discharge <- leapYear <- day <-
roll30Mean <- roll90Mean <- events <-
. <- highFlow <- CV <- block <-
peakQ <- flow <- maxFlow <-
minFlow <- event <- ".dplyr.var"
minFlow <- event <- calendar_day <-

check_preference <- function(pref) {
if(!pref %in% c("mean", "median")){
stop("Preference must be either mean or median")

.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
'USGS Research Package:'),
19 changes: 12 additions & 7 deletions R/calc_timingHigh.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
#' flow is less than the 1.67-year flood threshold and also occurs in all years. Accumulate nonflood days that
#' span all years. TH3 is maximum length of those flood-free periods divided by 365.
#' }
#' Note: In these definitions, "Julian date" should be interpreted as the count of days starting with 1 on January
#' first of a given year, ending at 365 or 366 on December 31st.
#' @return A data.frame of flow statistics
#' @importFrom lubridate year
#' @importFrom lubridate month
Expand All @@ -36,30 +38,33 @@ calc_timingHigh <- function(x,yearType = "water",digits=3,pref="mean",floodThres

#calculate some stuff for use later
x$month_val <- lubridate::month(x$date)
#x$jul_day <- lubridate::yday(x$date)
x$calendar_day <- lubridate::yday(x$date)

# Calculate max flow value and calendat day of max flow for every year.
flowSum_year <- dplyr::summarize(dplyr::group_by(x,year_val),
maxFlow = max(discharge),
maxFlowJulDay = min(day[discharge==max(discharge)])
maxFlowJulDay = min(calendar_day[discharge==max(discharge)])

#th1 Convert the max flow julian day to psuedo-radians and take cos (x) and sin (y).
flowSum_year$np <- cos(flowSum_year$maxFlowJulDay*2*pi/365.25)
flowSum_year$mdata <- sin(flowSum_year$maxFlowJulDay*2*pi/365.25)

# Average accross all years.
xbar <- mean(flowSum_year$np)
ybar <- mean(flowSum_year$mdata)
if (xbar>0) {
if (xbar>0) { # if x component is greater than 0, just return the angle.
th1_temp <- atan(ybar/xbar)*180/pi
} else if (xbar<0) {
th1_temp <- (atan(ybar/xbar)*180/pi)+180
} else if (xbar<0) {# if x component is less than 0 (angles pi/2 to 3pi/2), arctan returns -90 -> 0 -> 90
th1_temp <- (atan(ybar/xbar)*180/pi)+180 # but we should return 90 -> 180 -> 270 so add 180 to output.
} else if (xbar==0 && ybar>0) {
th1_temp <- 90
} else if (xbar==0 && ybar<0) {
th1_temp <- 270

th1_temp <- ifelse(th1_temp<0,th1_temp+360,th1_temp)
# if th1_temp is negative from above (for 270 or 3pi/2 to 360 or 2pi degrees) just add 360.
th1_temp <- ifelse(th1_temp<0,th1_temp+360,th1_temp)
th1 <- th1_temp*365.25/360

Expand Down
24 changes: 16 additions & 8 deletions R/calc_timingLow.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
#' threshold as the ratio of number of days to 365 or 366 (leap year) for each year. TL4 is the maximum of the yearly
#' ratios.
#' }
#' Note: In these definitions, "Julian date" should be interpreted as the count of days starting with 1 on January
#' first of a given year, ending at 365 or 366 on December 31st.
#' @return A data.frame of flow statistics
#' @importFrom lubridate year
#' @importFrom lubridate month
Expand All @@ -40,30 +42,36 @@ calc_timingLow <- function(x,yearType = "water",digits=3,pref="mean",floodThresh

#calculate some stuff for use later
x$month_val <- lubridate::month(x$date)
x$calendar_day <- lubridate::yday(x$date)

# Calculate min flow value and julian date of min flow for every year.
flowSum_year <- dplyr::summarize(dplyr::group_by(x,year_val),
minFlow = min(discharge),
minFlowJulDay = min(day[discharge==min(discharge)])
minFlowJulDay = min(calendar_day[discharge==min(discharge)])

#tl1 Convert the min flow julian day to psuedo-radians and take cos (x) and sin (y).
flowSum_year$np <- cos(flowSum_year$minFlowJulDay*2*pi/365.25)
flowSum_year$mdata <- sin(flowSum_year$minFlowJulDay*2*pi/365.25)

# Average accross all years.
xbar <- mean(flowSum_year$np)
ybar <- mean(flowSum_year$mdata)
if (xbar>0) {
if (xbar>0) { # if x component is greater than 0, just return the angle.
tl1_temp <- atan(ybar/xbar)*180/pi
} else if (xbar<0) {
tl1_temp <- (atan(ybar/xbar)*180/pi)+180
} else if (xbar==0 && ybar>0) {
} else if (xbar<0) { # if x component is less than 0 (angles pi/2 to 3pi/2), arctan returns -90 -> 0 -> 90
tl1_temp <- (atan(ybar/xbar)*180/pi)+180 # but we should return 90 -> 180 -> 270 so add 180 to output.
} else if (xbar==0 && ybar>0) { # discontinuity
tl1_temp <- 90
} else if (xbar==0 && ybar<0) {
} else if (xbar==0 && ybar<0) { # discontinuity
tl1_temp <- 270

# if tl1_temp is negative from above (for 270 or 3pi/2 to 360 or 2pi degrees) just add 360.
tl1_temp <- ifelse(tl1_temp<0,tl1_temp+360,tl1_temp)
tl1 <- tl1_temp*365.25/360
tl1 <- round(tl1_temp*365.25/360)

if(tl1 == 0) tl <- 365.25

tl2_a <- sqrt((xbar*xbar)+(ybar*ybar))
Expand Down
178 changes: 100 additions & 78 deletions R/get_peakThreshold.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,17 +2,24 @@
#' This function calculates flood thresholds for specified recurrence intervals.
#' @param x A dataframe containing a vector of date values in the first column and vector of numeric flow values in the second column.
#' @param peakValues A dataframe containing a vector of date values in the first column and vector of numeric annual peak flow values in the second column.
#' @param yearType A charcter of either "water" or "calendar" indicating whether to use water years or calendar years, respectively.
#' @param x A dataframe containing a vector of date values in the first column
#' and vector of numeric flow values in the second column.
#' @param peakValues A dataframe containing a vector of date values in the first
#' column and vector of numeric annual peak flow values in the second column.
#' @param yearType A charcter of either "water" or "calendar" indicating whether
#' to use water years or calendar years, respectively.
#' @param perc value containing the desired percentile to be calculated
#' @return thresh numeric containing the flood threshold for recurence interval specified by \code{perc}
#' @return thresh numeric containing the flood threshold for recurence interval
#' specified by \code{perc}
#' @details Compute the log10 of the daily
#' flows for the peak annual flow days. Calculate the coefficients for a linear regression equation for logs of peak
#' annual flow versus logs of average daily flow for peak days. Using the log peak flow for the 1.67-year recurrence
#' interval (60th percentile, \code{perc=0.6}) as input to the regression equation, predict the log10 of the average daily flow. The
#' threshold is 10 to the log10 (average daily flow) power (cubic feet per second). for the 5-year recurrence interval
#' (80th percentile, \code{perc=0.8}), used by indices TL3 and TL4, follow the same process, inputing a different 'perc' value.
#' flows for the peak annual flow days. Calculate the coefficients for a linear
#' regression equation for logs of peak annual flow versus logs of average daily
#' flow for peak days. Using the log peak flow for the 1.67-year recurrence
#' interval (60th percentile, \code{perc=0.6}) as input to the regression
#' equation, predict the log10 of the average daily flow. The threshold is 10 to
#' the log10 (average daily flow) power (cubic feet per second). for the 5-year
#' recurrence interval (80th percentile, \code{perc=0.8}), used by indices TL3
#' and TL4, follow the same process, inputing a different 'perc' value.
#' @importFrom stats na.omit quantile
#' @export
#' @examples
Expand All @@ -25,73 +32,88 @@
#' get_peakThreshold(x,peakValues,.6,yearType="water")
#' }
get_peakThreshold <- function(x,peakValues,perc=0.6,yearType = "water") {

#Check x data input
x <- validate_data(x,yearType)

#Check peakValues data input
if (nrow(peakValues)<=1) {
stop("peakValues must have a minimum of two annual values")

col1_class = class(peakValues[,1])
col2_class = class(peakValues[,2])

if(col1_class != "Date" && col2_class != "numeric")
stop("First column of peakValues must contain a vector of class date.\nSecond column of peakValues must contain a vector of class numeric.")
} else if (col1_class != "Date")
stop("First column of peakValues must contain a vector of class date.")
} else if (col2_class != "numeric" & col2_class != "integer")
stop("Second column of peakValues must contain a vector of class numeric.")

stop("dataframe peakValues cannot contain NA values")

names(peakValues) <- c("date","peakQ")

if(yearType == "water")
peakValues$year_val <- get_waterYear(peakValues$date)
} else {
peakValues$year_val <- lubridate::year(peakValues$date)

if(any(duplicated(peakValues$year_val))) {
warning("peakValues data frame contains multiple peak values for one or more years. Only the maximum annual value will be retained.")
temp <- dplyr::summarize(dplyr::group_by(peakValues,year_val),
date = date[peakQ == max(peakQ)],
peakQ = max(peakQ))
peakValues <- dplyr::left_join(peakValues["date"],temp, by="date")
peakValues <- na.omit(peakValues)

peakDaily <- dplyr::inner_join(x,peakValues[c("date","peakQ")],by="date")
peakDaily$logQ <- log10(peakDaily$discharge)
peakDaily$logPeakQ <- log10(peakDaily$peakQ)

dailyMean <- mean(peakDaily$logQ)
instMean <- mean(peakDaily$logPeakQ)

num <- sum((peakDaily$logQ-dailyMean)*(peakDaily$logPeakQ-instMean))
denom <- sum((peakDaily$logPeakQ-instMean)*(peakDaily$logPeakQ-instMean))

b <- num/denom
a <- dailyMean - (b*instMean)

lfcrit <- quantile(peakDaily$logPeakQ,
probs = perc,
names = F)

lq167 <- a + (b*as.numeric(lfcrit))
thresh <- 10^(lq167)

#Check x data input
x <- validate_data(x,yearType)

#Check peakValues data input
if (nrow(peakValues)<=1) {
stop("peakValues must have a minimum of two annual values")

col1_class = class(peakValues[,1])
col2_class = class(peakValues[,2])

if(col1_class != "Date" && col2_class != "numeric") {
stop(paste("First column of peakValues must contain a vector of class",
"date.\nSecond column of peakValues must contain a vector of",
"class numeric."))
} else if (col1_class != "Date") {
stop("First column of peakValues must contain a vector of class date.")
} else if (col2_class != "numeric" & col2_class != "integer") {
stop("Second column of peakValues must contain a vector of class numeric.")

if(anyNA(peakValues)) stop("dataframe peakValues cannot contain NA values")

names(peakValues) <- c("date","peakQ")

if(yearType == "water") {
peakValues$year_val <- get_waterYear(peakValues$date)
} else {
peakValues$year_val <- lubridate::year(peakValues$date)

if(any(duplicated(peakValues$year_val))) {
warning(paste("peakValues data frame contains multiple peak values",
"for one or more years. Only the maximum annual value",
"will be retained."))
temp <- dplyr::summarize(dplyr::group_by(peakValues,year_val),
date = date[peakQ == max(peakQ)],
peakQ = max(peakQ))
# temp contains the peakQ and date of peakQ for each year.
# The following eliminates ones that are less than max.
peakValues <- dplyr::left_join(peakValues["date"],temp, by="date")
peakValues <- na.omit(peakValues)

# Get the peak daily for the peak flow days. (peakQ is instantaneous!)
peakDaily <- dplyr::inner_join(x,peakValues[c("date","peakQ")],by="date")

#Get logs of both instantaneous and daily peak flows.
peakDaily$logQ <- log10(peakDaily$discharge)
peakDaily$logPeakQ <- log10(peakDaily$peakQ)

# Get mean of logs of flows.
dailyMean <- mean(peakDaily$logQ)
instMean <- mean(peakDaily$logPeakQ)

# Calculate the coefficients for a linear regression equation for logs
# of peak annual flow versus logs of average daily flow for peak days.

# ... in other words
# numerator is the sum of the difference between the annual series values
# and POR mean peaks for daily * instantaneous peaks
# Denominator is the sum of the difference between the annual series values
# and POR mean peaks for instantaneous^2 peaks
num <- sum((peakDaily$logQ-dailyMean)*(peakDaily$logPeakQ-instMean))
denom <- sum((peakDaily$logPeakQ-instMean)*(peakDaily$logPeakQ-instMean))

# Calculates coeficients of a linear regression based on the above.
b <- num/denom
a <- dailyMean - (b*instMean)

# Using the log peak flow for the 1.67-year recurrence interval
# (60th percentile) as input to the regression equation,

lfcrit <- quantile(peakDaily$logPeakQ,
probs = perc,
names = F)

# predict the log10 of the average daily flow.
lq167 <- a + (b*as.numeric(lfcrit))
thresh <- 10^(lq167)


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