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David edited this page Sep 20, 2018 · 2 revisions

DPigeon's Chess Game

The Chess Game is a simple chess game without a GUI. It was started mainly to practice programming. I always want to improve the game in the future.

Running the Program

Once the program is ran, it asks for both player names. Then, you can start a game by pressing 's' like show on picture 1 below.

Picture 1

Then, one player has capital letters and the other has lower case letters. By reading the picture, you can know what the letter means. Next, just move your pawns with the letter and coordinates. So we move the pawn at coordinate B3 to C3.

Picture 2

Then, it is Max's turn to play. So for example, he can move the pawn 'p' at coordinate G8 to F8.


Many move pawns can be played each turns.