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Job submission in HPC cluster

DR-genomics edited this page May 24, 2021 · 7 revisions

How to submit job in a HPC cluster?

Example: running blastn using qsub (queuing system)

Note: No jobs should be run directly on the login node. All jobs should run using the HPC's cluster queuing system (for eg., standby, comm_mmem_day, comm_mmem_week, etc.,) or research group specific queues.

Thornyflat cluster - bioinfo software/tools are packed within a singularity container "/shared/containers/Bioinformatics_2021.sif". To access tools (such as blast, muscle, repeatmasker, etc.,) within this container, perform any analysis via this container. See below for reference.

Login to your account in the cluster using: ssh -X followed by ssh -X

To perform a simple blastn analysis, open a new text file using any text editor in home directory (~/):

vi blastn.pbs

Press "i" to get into insert mode. Copy and paste the below script in the text file.


#PBS -N JOB_Blast            #### job name
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4        #### specify no. of nodes and processors required  
#PBS -l walltime=20:00:00    #### maximum limit for walltime
#PBS -m ae                   #### -m Email options; a => email sent when job is aborted; e => email sent when job ends
#PBS -q cfb0001              #### Queue name

module load singularity/3.7.0     #### Load singularity container to access all bioinformatic software installed within it. 
module load lang/python/cpython_3.8.6_gcc93   #### Load python

cd /users/dramacha

##### To use BLAST installed within the singularity container "Bioinformatics_2021.sif", execute the container (singularity exec <container name>) first before running blast command. 

singularity exec /shared/containers/Bioinformatics_2021.sif blastn -query SbiCDS.fasta -db SbiCDS.fasta -evalue 1e-10 -outfmt 6 -perc_identity 80.0 -out SbiCDS.aba.blast 

Now, press "ESC" and type :wq (write and quit). From the command prompt, submit the blastn job by typing:

qsub blastn.pbs

A job ID will be assigned after job submission. To check the status of the above job:

qstat -u <username>