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Skeleton for Bloodlab drivermodel

Receiving a Transmission and finding the right instrument

remoteAddress, _ := session.RemoteAddress()
instrument, err := s.skeleton.GetInstrumentByIP(remoteAddress)



Received by skeleton from cerberus on /v1/analysisRequest/batch [POST]

workItemId     uuid.UUID Reference to the WorkitemId
analyteId      uuid.UUID Reference to the Analyte 
sampleCode     string The Samplecode
materialId     uuid.UUID Reference to the (ordered) MaterialId
laboratoryId   uuid.UUID Laboratory 
validUntilTime time.Time Upper time-limit until which the request should be regarded as valid
subject        (obsolete)


Each request is supposed to be answered by a Result-Response whenever results are available

workItemId               uuid.UUID  Reference to the Workitem
validUntil               time.Time  Time-Limit until when the result can be regarded as valid 
status                   enum "FIN" = Final results, "PRE" = Preliminary results
mode                     enum "TEST" = Testsystem, do not process further, "VAL" = Validation mode = Process but dont export, "PROD" = do everything
resultYieldDateTime      *time.Time When the result was yield
examinedMaterial         uuid.UUID The material (different from request) that was actually examined
result                   string 
operator                 string
technicalReleaseDateTime *time.time
instrumentId             uuid.UUID
instrumentRunId          uuid.UUID
extraValues              []ExtraValues
resultEdit               bool
editReason               string
warnings                 []string
channelResults           []channelResult
images                   []imageV1TO         


Versioning strategy

The versioning of this library is semantic with ..-versions. When contributing changes increment

  1. -version for every fix that changes nothing in the structure nor behaviour of the library e.g. adding tests, adding debug output etc.
  2. -version for every change in the behaviour of existing functonality.
  3. -version for every change in the interface itself.