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This npm package provides various useful functions to enhance your productivity while working on your projects!


npm i utilikitty


Alternates the case of characters in a string.

import { AlternatingCase } from "utilikitty";

const string = "This is soo cool!";

AlternatingCase(string); // -> tHiS Is sOo cOoL!
AlternatingCase(string, true); // -> ThIs iS SoO CoOl!


Takes a number and breaks it down into smaller parts of a specified size.

import { ChunkNumber } from "utilikitty";

ChunkNumber(100, 50); // -> [ 50, 50 ]
ChunkNumber(400, 125); // -> [ 125, 125, 125, 25 ]
ChunkNumber(100, 23); // -> [ 23, 23, 23, 23, 8 ]


Returns a random element from the provided array.

import { RandomElement } from "utilikitty";

const array = ["kitty", "cat", "kitten", "meow"];

RandomElement(array); // -> cat


Returns random elements from the provided array.

import { RandomElements } from "utilikitty";

const array = ["kitty", "cat", "kitten", "meow"];

RandomElements(array); // -> [ 'kitty', 'cat', 'meow' ]


Returns a random float from the provided min and max.

import { RandomFloat } from "utilikitty";

RandomFloat(1, 5); // -> 3.1556571313461994


Returns a random int from the provided min and max.

import { RandomInt } from "utilikitty";

RandomInt(1, 5); // -> 2


Extracts a subset of elements from an array based on specified indices from and to

import { RangeArray } from "utilikitty";

const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];

RangeArray(array, 4, 6); // -> [ 5, 6, 7 ]
RangeArray(array, 2, 7); // -> [ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]


Removes all duplicate elements within an array, you can use the path argument for a property of an array of objects.

import { RemoveDuplicates } from "utilikitty";

const array01 = ["cat", "kitty", "cat", "cat"];
const array02 = [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 3 }, { id: 1 }, { id: 3 }];

RemoveDuplicates(array01); // -> [ 'cat', 'kitty' ]
RemoveDuplicates(array02, "id"); // -> [ { id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 3 } ]


Turns an array into a string with separators.

import { StringifyArray } from "utilikitty";

const array = ["Cat", "Kitty", "Meow"];

StringifyArray(array); // -> Cat, Kitty & Meow
StringifyArray(array, " . ", " and "); // -> Cat . Kitty and Meow


Trims an array to a specified length. Appends an optional remainder message to the new array, replacing {num} with the number of elements omitted.

import { TrimArray } from "utilikitty";

const array = ["cat", "kitty", "kitten", "dog"];

TrimArray(array, 2); // -> ["cat", "kitty"]
TrimArray(array, 2, "+{num} more"); // -> ["cat", "kitty", "+2 more"]


Trims a string to a specified length and adds a ellipsis to the end.

import { TrimString } from "utilikitty";

const string = "The kitty is very cute!";

TrimString(string, 10); // -> The kitty ...
TrimString(string, 10, ">>>"); // -> The kitty >>>