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This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 17, 2020. It is now read-only.

Releases: DSoftOut/pgator-backend

Build fix for new compilers

16 Sep 20:53
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Merge pull request #9 from denizzzka/build_fix

fix building on the new compilers

Compilation under 2.067

17 Mar 14:13
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Workaround for bug:

Null values fix

26 Feb 12:30
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"null" string was interpreted as null value. Now you can pass null as empty string (or explicitly by null string).

Logging improvement

26 Feb 11:28
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Pool now spams syntax errors in a logger.

Bug fixes

18 Jan 14:50
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  • Timestamp bug is fixed #4

Single row constraint

11 Nov 19:12
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API update, new oneRowConstraint parameter:

    InputRange!(immutable Bson) execTransaction(string[] commands
        , string[] params = [], uint[] argnums = []
        , string[string] vars = null, bool[] oneRowConstraint = []) shared

If empty array then it is ignored. If it is non-empty it should be a length of the commands array. Each boolean value defines if i-th query from commands have to return only one row. If the query returns 0 or more than 1 rows - transaction is rollbacked and OneRowConstraintException is thrown.

PGNumeric native support

23 Oct 15:33
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  • PGNumeric was converted to string by default, it was leading to responds like this for arrays:

Now value of numeric[] would be converted to bson like:


Fixing linking problems

27 Sep 12:36
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Avoiding linking problems when std.datetime.Interval invariant isn't generated by dmd.
See the invariant at: std.datetime.Interval:18404

Extracted from host application

26 Sep 11:50
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  • Asynchronous connection pool
  • Transactions with multiple queries and responds
  • Reversed libpq binary protocol
  • All basic PostgreSQL types
  • Testing suit