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Action Types (Obsolete)

Adrián Rivero edited this page Mar 10, 2017 · 3 revisions

The name of the field use to declare the action, indicates the type of the action

The User Interface

On View Clicked

To indicate that an action will be initiate when a view is Clicked in the user interface, you should end your field name with "Clicked"

MainActivity btnActionClicked;

In this action you have access to the variable view that represents the View that was clicked. This can be used for performing more operations over the View itself:

MainActivity btnActionClicked;

By default, if you simply write your view Id (Ex. "btnAction") it's going to be assumed that the action is initiated by a click over that view. There's also a set of other terminations that can be used for this, these are all the available terminations:

  • "Click"
  • "_click"
  • "Clicked"
  • "_clicked"
  • "Press"
  • "_press"
  • "Pressed"
  • "_pressed"

On View Long Clicked

To indicate that action will be initiate when a view is Long Clicked in the user interface, you should end your field name with "LongClicked"

MainActivity btnActionLongClicked;

In this action you have access to the variable view that represents the View that was clicked.

There's also a set of other terminations that can be used for this, these are all the available terminations:

  • "LongClick"
  • "_longclick"
  • "LongClicked"
  • "_longclicked"
  • "LongPress"
  • "_longpress"
  • "LongPressed"
  • "_longpressed"

On Item Clicked

To indicate that an action will be initiate when an item of an AdapterView (Ex. ListView, GridView, Spinner) is Clicked in the user interface, you should end your field name with "ItemClicked"

MainActivity listViewItemClicked;

In this action you have access to the variable parent that represents the AdapterView that was clicked, to the variable view representing the View that was clicked, the variable position representing the Index of the Item that was clicked, and the variable model representing the Model that was used to fill that item.

In this example a ListView is populated with a list of User models, and when a User is clicked, it is passed to a ProfileActivity to show information about this user

public class MainActivity extends Activity {
    List<User> users;

    ProfileActivity usersItemClicked;

public class ProfileActivity extends Activity {
    User_ user;

There's also a set of other terminations that can be used for this, these are all the available terminations:

  • "ItemClick"
  • "_itemclick"
  • "ItemClicked"
  • "_itemclicked"
  • "ItemPress"
  • "_itempress"
  • "ItemPressed"
  • "_itempressed"

Action Bar Menu

To indicate that an action will be initiate when an the Menu is Clicked in the user interface, you should end your field name with "Menu"

In this example MainActivity is started after the user press the menu with id "main"

MainActivity mainMenu;

There's also a set of other terminations that can be used for this, these are all the available terminations:

  • "Menu"
  • "_menu"
  • "MenuItem"
  • "_menuitem"

On Events

To indicate that an action will be initiate when an Event is dispatched you should start your field with the name "on".

In this example MainActivity is started when the event "StartActivity" arrives:

MainActivity onStartActivity;

In this action you have access to the variable event representing the arrived event:

In this example, when the event ShowMessage arrives, it is shown a Toast with the message field:

@Event("message: String")
ShowMessage showMessageEvent;

Toast onShowMessage;

There's also a set of other terminations that can be used for this, but you should always start the name with "on", these are all the available terminations:

  • "Event"
  • "_event"

Existing Methods

To indicate that an action will be initiate when a method is executed you should write the method name and end the name with "Method".

In this example MainActivity is started when the "onCreate" is executed:

MainActivity onCreateMethod;

If you write only the method name, and it doesn't exists a layout Id with that name, the action will be fired also when the method is executed There's also a set of other terminations that can be used for this, these are all the available terminations:

  • "Method"
  • "_method"

See also

  • [About Flow Control (Obsolete)](About Flow Control (Obsolete))
  • [Available Actions (Obsolete)](Avaiblable Actions (Obsolete))
  • [Action Sequences (Obsolete)](Action Sequences (Obsolete))
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