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Releases: DTOcean/aneris

Version 0.11.1 Release

15 Oct 11:57
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This micro release increases the minimum required version of pandas to ensure consistent operation of the read_excel command. The AppVeyor build process is also updated.

Version 0.11.0 Release

12 Oct 11:40
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The highlight of this release is the ability to add a simulation from one DataPool object into another and the ability to remove a simulation from a DataPool object.

Detailed changes for this release are as follows:


  • Added the ability to import simulations from one DataPool into another, with the Controller.import_simulation method. If a DataPool entry with matching value already exists in the destination pool, the new simulation uses that entry rather than create new one.
  • Added the ability to remove simulations from a DataPool with the Controller.remove_simulation method.
  • Structure subclasses can now implement an equals method to determine if data values are equal.


  • When creating new simulations with the Controller class, contiguous data states with no label are compacted into a single state.

Version 0.10.2 Hotfix

08 Jul 12:07
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Hotfix to correct bug when converting excel DDS files to Yaml format

The following changes were made:


  • Added test of xl_to_data_yaml


  • Fixed incorrect use of Dumper class in yaml.safe_dump in xl_to_data_yaml.

Version 0.10.1 Release

08 Jul 09:01
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Minor update to improve security for YAML file loading.

The following changes were made:


  • Added Loader and Dumper arguments to pyyaml calls as required by pyyaml
    version 5.1 to improve safety.

Version 0.10.0 Release

12 Mar 10:12
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This release coincides with the release of DTOcean 2.0.

The following changes were made:


  • Add gitignore.
  • Add change log.
  • Add Database.execute_transaction method which will commit a query immediately
    without returning results.
  • Add Sequencer.refresh_interfaces and Hub.refresh_interface to replace
    interfaces in Hubs. Useful if interfaces have gone stale after saving.
  • Add create_pool_subset method to DataStorage class. Given a pool and
    datastate, this creates a new pool and datastate containing just the variables
    in the datastate.
  • Added create_merged_state method to the Loader class. By default, this
    generates a merged pseudo state from a given simulation unless the simulation
    already has one stored.
  • Added compatibility for loading pandas data from version prior to 0.20 when
    using version 0.20 or greater.
  • Interfaces which do not import properly can now be allowed to skip if
    the warn_import flag is set in Socket.discover_interfaces or Sequencer.
  • Added conda requirements file for developers that doesn't include any DTOcean
    packages (requirements-conda-dev.txt).
  • Added test module, which contains SPT interface example, which as been added
    to the README.


  • For pipelines, changed labelling of inputs for one interface that appear in a
    previous interface to say "overwritten" rather than "unavailable".
  • In DataStorage._convert_box_to_data will catch errors and pass with a warning
    when unpickling, if the warn_unpickle flag is True.
  • In DataStorage._convert_data_to_box will catch errors and pass with a warning
    when saving, if the warn_save flag is True.
  • In DataStorage._make_data allow data not in the data catalogue to pass with a
    warning if the warn_missing flag is True.
  • Modify add_datastate in the Controller class so that it can take Data objects
    as the variable values, if the use_objects flag is set to True.
  • Updated API for pandas.read_excel
  • Moved the add_datastate method from the Controller to the Loader class.


  • Removed unnecessary psycopg2 import
  • Fixed bug in FileInterface.check_path
  • Ensure SerialBox is replaced if encountering unknown data identifier when
    deserializing a data pool.
  • Fixed bug for Hub.get_next_scheduled when no interfaces are scheduled. Now
    returns None in this case.


01 Mar 18:31
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Commit version 0.9.1