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File metadata and controls

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Commands At A Glance

Note: if you want addition information about any particular command, review the docs on this site and/or type this in PowerShell:

C:\> Get-Help <Command> -Full

Table of Contents


Command Purpose Example
Set-ODUConfigExportRootFolder Sets root folder used for all exports. Set-ODUConfigExportRootFolder c:\OctoExports
Get-ODUConfigExportRootFolder Gets root folder used for all exports. Get-ODUConfigExportRootFolder
Add-ODUConfigOctopusServer Sets Octopus Server configuration (root url and API key). Add-ODUConfigOctopusServer -Url -ApiKey 'API-ABCDEFGH01234567890ABCDEFGH'
Get-ODUConfigFilePath Gets path to Octopus Deploy Utilities configuration file. Get-ODUConfigFilePath
Get-ODUConfigBackgroundJobsMax Gets max number of background jobs to use. Get-ODUConfigBackgroundJobsMax
# returns 5
Set-ODUConfigBackgroundJobsMax Sets max number of background jobs to use. Set-ODUConfigBackgroundJobsMax 3

Configure Black and White Lists

Command Purpose Example
Get-ODURestApiTypeName Returns list of Type names used with Octopus Deploy REST API. Get-ODURestApiTypeName
Get-ODUStandardExportRestApiCall Returns PSObjects with Octopus Deploy API call details. Get-ODUStandardExportRestApiCall
Get-ODUConfigTypeBlacklist Gets type blacklist. Get-ODUConfigTypeBlacklist
Get-ODUConfigTypeWhitelist Gets type whitelist. Get-ODUConfigTypeWhitelist
Set-ODUConfigTypeBlacklist Sets type blacklist. Set-ODUConfigTypeBlacklist -List @('Deployments', 'Events', 'Interruptions')
Set-ODUConfigTypeWhitelist Sets type whitelist. Set-ODUConfigTypeWhitelist -List @('Deployments', 'Events', 'Interruptions')
Get-ODUConfigPropertyBlacklist Gets property blacklist. Get-ODUConfigPropertyBlacklist
Get-ODUConfigPropertyWhitelist Gets property whitelist. Get-ODUConfigPropertyWhitelist
Set-ODUConfigPropertyBlacklist Sets property blacklist. Set-ODUConfigPropertyBlacklist @{ Licenses = @('MaintenanceExpiresIn'); Machines = @('HasLatestCalamari', 'HealthStatus', 'StatusSummary') }
Set-ODUConfigPropertyWhitelist Sets property whitelist. Set-ODUConfigPropertyWhitelist @{ Licenses = @('MaintenanceExpiresIn'); Machines = @('HasLatestCalamari', 'HealthStatus', 'StatusSummary') }


Command Purpose Example
oduexport Runs a fresh export; alias of Export-ODUOctopusDeployConfig. oduexport
Export-ODUOctopusDeployConfig Runs a fresh export. Export-ODUOctopusDeployConfig
Update-ODUExportJoinData Runs data post-processing on a export folder. Note: this is done automatically by the export process. Update-ODUExportJoinData C:\OctoExports\\20181213-183336
Get-ODUExportLatestPath Gets full path of most recent export. Get-ODUExportLatestPath
Get-ODUExportOlderPath Gets full path of an export from before most recent. # gets export full path from before most recent

# gets export full path from first export that occurred more than 48 hours before the latest
Get-ODUExportOlderPath 48

Text Editor

Command Purpose Example
Set-ODUConfigTextEditor Sets the path to your text editor. Supply full path. # use Sublime text
Set-ODUConfigTextEditor 'C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\sublime_text.exe'

# use VS Code
Set-ODUConfigTextEditor ((Get-Command code.cmd).Source)
Get-ODUConfigTextEditor Gets the path to your text editor. Get-ODUConfigTextEditor
odutext Opens latest export in your text editor; alias of Open-ODUExportTextEditor. odutext
Open-ODUExportTextEditor Opens latest export in your text editor. Open-ODUExportTextEditor

Diff Viewer

Command Purpose Example
Set-ODUConfigDiffViewer Sets the path to your diff viewer. Supply full path. # use KDiff3
Set-ODUConfigDiffViewer 'C:\Program Files (x86)\KDiff3\kdiff3.exe'
Get-ODUConfigDiffViewer Gets the path to your diff viewer. Get-ODUConfigDiffViewer
odudiff Opens your diff viewer comparing most recent export with an older one; alias of Compare-ODUExportMostRecentWithOlder. # diff 2 most recent exports

# diff most recent with one 48 hours older than most recent
odudiff 48
Compare-ODUExportMostRecentWithOlder Opens your diff viewer comparing most recent export with an older one. Open-ODUExportTextEditor
Open-ODUExportTextEditor 48


Command Purpose Example
oduobject Returns PSObject containing all values of an export. If no path parameter returns latest. Alias of Read-ODUExportFromFile. # returns object with latest export

# returns object with data for that path
oduobject C:\OctoExports\\20181213-183336
Read-ODUExportFromFile Returns PSObject containing all values of an export. Read-ODUExportFromFile
Test-ODUProjectDeployIISSite Returns true if Project contains at least one deploy steps for an IIS Site (Octopus.IIS). Test-ODUProjectDeployIISSite $Project
Test-ODUProjectDeployWindowsService Returns true if Project contains at least one deploy steps for a Windows Service (Octopus.WindowsService). Test-ODUProjectDeployWindowsService $Project
Select-ODUProjectDeployActionProperty Retrieves deploy action property from a project. # get custom installation directory setting for project
Select-ODUProjectDeployActionProperty $Project 'Octopus.Action.Package.CustomInstallationDirectory'

Variable Search

Command Purpose Example
oduvar Search for text in variable name and/or value. Alias of Find-ODUVariable. # Search for 'Sales' in all variable names and values
oduvar Sales

# Search, matching whole exact variable name and/or value
oduvar Sales -Exact

# search, return results via standard output and save to file
oduvar Sales -WriteOutput > SearchResults.txt
Find-ODUVariable Search for text in variable name and/or value. # Search for 'Sales' in all variable names and values
Find-ODUVariable Sales