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jcfreeman2 edited this page Mar 25, 2021 · 82 revisions

JCF, Mar-24-2021: documentation for DUNE DAQ release dunedaq-v2.4.0 can be found here. Only use this wiki for dunedaq-v2.3.0 and earlier

Welcome to the Dune DAQ wiki!

This area can be used as a collaborative working area for documentation that has not yet been finalized. Once the task force has agreed to adopt a document, it should be placed in the repository, and the links here should be updated accordingly.

This wiki lives in the appfwk but it supposed to serve as a guideline for all the project.

Links below which contain "under vX.Y.Z" deal strictly with packages as they were versioned "vX.Y.Z", X, Y and Z all integers. Without an "under vX.Y.Z", it should be assumed that the instructions cover the behavior of the latest commits to software packages in question.

Developers are encouraged to follow the instructions for the most recent frozen releases (dunedaq-v2.3.0 as of Mar-2-2021)

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