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Releases: DVE2000/Dogbone

v2.2.2 bug fixes and parameter mode check

06 Jul 01:33
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Fixed runtime error that prevented Add-in from starting
Added secondary check to ensure F360 was in parametric mode while loading/installing

Bug fix

21 Feb 18:07
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Fixed global variable that was causing a runtime error and preventing the add-in from starting

Version 2.2.1 - Bug fixes and clean up

06 Nov 22:24
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  • resolved inconsistent updating; particularly with subcomponents
  • bug fixes: errors thrown after face is unselected
  • removed experimental use of pynput library
  • tidied up code and comments
  • changed several for loops to list comprehensions to improve speed

Version 2.2 - Added update feature

30 Oct 19:55
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  • Added an update button to Design as well as Manufacturing Model environments.
  • Fixed several dogbone creation consistency issues.
  • Removed Parametric Mode, as the update button is more versatile and consistent - although you do have to click it manually!
  • Adding dogbones in the Manufacturing Model is very likely to result in a blank toolbar. A note has been added as a reminder to click Undo then Redo. It's an F360 bug, which should be resolved in the next few releases

Version 2.1.2 - disabled angle detection mode in Parametric dogbones

11 Apr 00:47
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wrapped up parametric dogbone runtime issue - won't allow users to select angle mode in parametric

Dogbone Version 2

24 Sep 18:31
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New version. See

Windows install


winsetup_Dogbone_v2_0.exe (click above) self installs/overwrites all files directly into AddIns folder.


Download Source Code (zip or tar.gz) as appropriate, and install into:
%appdata%\Autodesk\Autodesk Fusion 360\API\AddIns

Mac install

If you downloaded your F360 directly from Autodesk - install dogbone using this file

download Source Code (zip or tar.gz) as appropriate, and install into:
~/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Autodesk Fusion 360/API/AddIns folder

If you downloaded your F360 from Apple App Store - install dogbone using this file

download Source Code (zip or tar.gz) as appropriate, and install into:
~Library/Containers/com.autodesk.mas.fusion360/Data/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Autodesk Fusion 360/API/AddIns

Fix constraints when not doing unconstrained dogbones

21 Jan 03:25
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Fusion doesn't seem to obey constraints properly if underlying sketches are moved around. I came up with a workaround to fix this. Dogbones will move with underlying sketches now. You'll still have issues if you delete a sketch that a dogbone was created one, but it's easy enough to delete and recreate them in this case.

I added some stuff to the, describing things to be cautious about or avoid.

Version 1.0

20 Dec 05:13
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Initial additions complete. May as well do a release.