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This is a process repository containing and exposing DARPAL specifications for well-established service providers. To access the currently running API and see some example documents, please click here.

The Data Access Request Assistant (DARA) consists of

As a starting point, we provide 15 DARPAL specifications, both in a running API here and via a github repository.

This process repository is based on FastAPI. In the following, we kept the original FastAPI readme.


Run the app in containers

  • Clone the repo and navigate to the root folder.

  • Set the necessary enviroment variables as seen in .env-example. You can use the contents of the file as base for your local .env.

  • To run the app using Docker, make sure you've got Docker and Docker Compose V2 installed on your system. From the project's root dirctory, to run the full setup with traefik proxy execute:

    docker compose up -d

Or, run the app locally

If you want to run the app locally, without using Docker, then:

  • Clone the repo and navigate to the root folder.

  • Create a virtual environment. Here I'm using Python's built-in venv in a Unix system. Run:

    python -m venv .venv
  • Activate the environment. Run:

    source .venv/bin/activate
  • Install the dependencies. Run:

    pip install -r requirements.txt && pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
  • Set the necessary enviroment variables as seen in .env-example. You can use the contents of the file as base for your local .env.

  • Start the db-only docker-compose file via:

    docker compose -f docker-compose.db-only.yml up -d
  • Start the app. Run:

    uvicorn app.main:app --port 5000 --reload